(Re)Designing your Earth-related Course for Improved Student Learning
Friday, October 23, 2015
University of Washington-Tacoma
Our understanding of how people learn and what classroom practices best support that learning has grown and solidified over the past few decades. We now have the opportunity to make changes in our own classrooms that can result in improved student learning. In this workshop, you will both learn about and be engaged in those best practices as you design (or redesign) your own course. We seek participants from all types of institutions of higher education in a variety of scientific disciplines that address learning about Earth, including the geological, atmospheric, and ocean sciences, environmental science, physics, biology, and chemistry.
Registration for this workshop is closed.Workshop Conveners
- Anne Egger, Central Washington University
- Sara Harris, University of British Columbia
- Kaatje Kraft, Whatcom Community College
- Rick Oches, Bentley University
- Karl Wirth, Macalaster College
Local host
- Peter Selkin, University of Washington-Tacoma