Workshop Program
Readings for Day 1:
- National League of Cities State of the Cities Report, 2018
- What's Next Atlanta, 10 challenges for the Atlanta Region
- Social Justice Content Standards (optional, good read for reflection on the skills and habits of social justice)
What are the takeaways for you on the possible issues of community importance that you might explore through your disciplinary lens? How might you also incorporate ideas and practices important to social justice?
Reading for Day 2: Cash et al., 2006, Scale and Cross Scale Dynamics: Governance and Information in a Multilevel World
What are the opportunities you have in your course to help your students build skills crossing scales and levels?
Thursday, May 23rd
Day 1
9:00 a.m. Welcome and Icebreaker
9:10 am Introducing Backward Design and Learning Outcomes- Introductory slides (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 4.7MB May31 19)
- Example syllabi from Geology - reflect on how course-scale goals and learning outcomes are incorporated
- Anne's syllabus for Earth Science Inquiry (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 164kB Aug31 17), a course for future elementary teachers
- Rachel's syllabus for Physical Geology (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 37kB Aug31 17), an introductory General Education Course
- Reflect on pre-reading for Day 1
- Share out in table groups about what you took from readings
- Connect to course-level goals
9:50 Break
10:10 Course Action Planning
- Consider your own course-scale goals and/or learning outcomes, reflect on opportunities to advance goals for your students and community (Atlanta, Campus), begin work on action plan
- Designing measurable learning goals is a short, interactive resource that supports the InTeGrate webinar about learning goals and alignment
12:00 pm Lunch Break
1:00 pm Share out learning outcomes
1:30 pm Aligning assessments with learning outcomes
- Slides on aligning assessments with learning outcomes (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 6.2MB Sep7 17)
- Using a variety of assessments (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 194kB Oct22 15)
- Example Strategies
- Why Active Learning? See Freeman et al., 2014 (Acrobat (PDF) 3.4MB Sep8 17) "Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics" in PNAS. (Or a shorter summary of the Freeman 2014 article by Carl Wieman (Acrobat (PDF) 607kB Sep8 17))
2:00 pm Reflection
- Add or revise course goals, learning outcomes, and assessments in action plan
2:30 pm Break
2:45 Learning Styles (Are you a low context or high context teacher? How will you consider you students' learning styles in your course design? How do styles relate to serving sustainability and social justice outcomes?)
- Unique Features of Context Diversity (Acrobat (PDF) PRIVATE FILE 79kB Aug19 17)
- Reframing the Context of Higher Education (Acrobat (PDF) PRIVATE FILE 1.4MB Aug19 17)
- Contextual Relationship Worksheet (Acrobat (PDF) PRIVATE FILE 14kB Aug23 17)
3:45 pm Improving Student Outcomes: Jolly Trilogy
Jolly Course Planning (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 99kB May17 19)
Additional planning template centered on co-achieving student & local community outcomes Local Issues Planningg (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 17kB May2 19)
- Review Guidelines for Offering Stacked Credentials
- Brainstorm ways to engage, build capacity, & provide continuity through your course. Adjust learning goals, outcomes, & assessment if needed.
4:45 Roadcheck
Friday, May 24th
9:00 am Engaging in active learning
- Example CBPR activity (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) PRIVATE FILE 2.5MB May21 19)
- Teaching methods from Pedagogy in Action
9:30 am Reflections on Day 1 and plan for Day 2
Growth Themese for CAU (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 2.2MB May24 19)
Themes that emerged: 1) data analyses, 2) food, energy, water (no strong theme), 3) environmental justice tool, 4) citizen science, 5) GIS
- EJSCREEN: Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool ( This site may be offline. )
- NAS Report on Learning Through Citizen Science
- Food-Energy-Water Nexus
10:30 am Break
10:45 am Central Skills & Habits for these themes & InTeGrate Resources Connected to Themes
Cash, DW, Adger, WN, Berkes, F, Garden, P, Lebell, L, Olsson, P, Pritchard, L, Young, O, 2006, Scale and Cross-Scale Dynamics: Governance and Information in a Multilevel World (Acrobat (PDF) 173kB Oct23 18), Ecology and Society, 11(2): 8.
InTeGrate resources and structure (a slide with a list of modules is here (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 44kB Sep8 17))
Environmental Justice and Freshwater Resources
Sustainability Topics: Water & Watersheds, Social & Environmental Justice, Human Health & Well-being, Cultures, Ethics, & ValuesMapping the Environment with Sensory Perception
Sustainability Topics: Social & Environmental Justice, Human Impact & Footprint, Pollution & WasteLead in the Environment
Sustainability Topics: Social & Environmental Justice, Civil Society & Governance, Human Health & Well-being, Human Impact & Footprint, Pollution & WasteFood as the Foundation for Healthy Communities
Sustainability Topics: Social & Environmental Justice, Human Health & Well-being, Food Systems & AgricultureAlso useful for Data Analyses:
The Math You Need, When You Need It
Help students gain quantitative skills an habits through practice. Build confidence around common barriers.The Geographic Approach & The Thriving Earth Approach (Spatial & Community Science Approaches)
12:00 Lunch
The Call for Environmental Justice (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 2.2MB May24 19), Richarg Gragg (from: Engaging Environmental Justice)
1:00 pm Time to explore InTeGrate modules and courses, add ideas from InTeGrate, Citizen Science, or other resources
1:30 Action Planning: Choose one theme & plan an activity that aligns with your course learning goals.
2:30 pm Additional Resources
- Metacognition: What is it and how do I do it?
- Reflection on McConnell and van Der Hoeven Kraft, 2011 (Acrobat (PDF) PRIVATE FILE 84kB Sep8 17) paper
- Two Learners descriptions (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 19kB Sep7 17)
Bloom's Taxonomy
- Assessments.pptx (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 527kB Mar6 18)
- APU: Revised Bloom's Taxonomy Action Verbs
3:30 Wrap Up action plan, with a break as needed
- Check for alignment between activity and learning outcomes. Turn to your neighbor and review each others' activity-outcome alignment (10 minutes)
- Building on steps developed in previous units, compile an action plan that will support successful completion of workshop activities and implementation into a specific course, including resources for future work (20 minutes)
Additional course design resources
- Course design tutorial from On the Cutting Edge
- Pedagogy in Action has information about and examples of many, many different kinds of teaching techniques
- On the Cutting Edge has lots of resources about designing courses around specific topics, subject areas, or strategies
- The Teaching Goals Inventory can help you "discover" the goals of your teaching
- Overview on Research on Teaching and Learning
- More on research-based strategies for your teaching from the Carl Wieman Institute
- Democratic Outcomes Guide Engagement Choices
Participant Identified Resources
- Survey 123
- Kahoot
- Catme
- Smart Sparrow
- Adaptive Learning
- Peer Auto-rating (Richard Felder)
- Playpocit
- NAACP Environmental Justice Toolkit