2021 Awardee - Dr. Lisa White, University of California, Berkeley
Dr. Lisa White has been awarded the 2021 Neil Miner Award by the National Association of Geoscience Teachers

Dr. Lisa White is widely recognized for her long-standing efforts to stimulate interest in the Earth sciences, particularly among groups historically marginalized and underrepresented in the discipline. Throughout her career, she has consistently emphasized diversity, equity, and inclusion as central to geoscience education and outreach.
The incredible list of programs she has developed or co-led only scratch the surface of her impact on an array of audiences. For the USGS, she coordinated Minority Participation in the Earth Sciences. While at San Francisco State University, she engaged high school students in research (SF-ROCKS) and secondary school educators on IODP research vessel expeditions (School of Rock). More recently, as Director of Education and Outreach for the Museum of Paleontology at the University of California in Berkeley, she initiated ACCESS where sense of belonging is prioritized for community college students at the museum.
The impressive effects of her accomplishments reach far beyond her work in programs or with individuals. Dr. White has served on numerous boards and committees for organizations in geosciences including contributions to NAGT's Teach the Earth. She has an extensive history of science communication in professional settings and to the public through lectures, panels, interviews, and social media. Dr. White is an inspiring role model to colleagues and students. Her passion for raising the visibility of Earth sciences is evident in all that she does.