In the Trenches - October 2014
Volume 4, Number 4
In This Issue
- Letter from the Editor - Cindy Shellito, Editor in Chief
- Restoring a Lost Sense of Place: An Interdisciplinary Course in the Anthracite Coal Region of Pennsylvania - D.H. Vice, Penn State HAzleton, and Harold Aurand, Jr., Penn State Schuylkill
- NAGT, GSA and CUR Education Division Awards for 2014
- NGSS: Three Resonating Themes for Geoscience Education - Kurtz K Miller, Thurgood Marshall STEM High School, Dayton Public Schools, Dayton, Ohio
- Paleolithic Rock & Roll: Making Music with Granite and Shale --- An Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching Geology and Physics - Adriana P. B. Tufaile, Alberto Tufaile, Carlos Molina Mendes, Arlino C. Liverio Jr., and Eduardo M. Santos, the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities, University of Sao Paulo-EACH-USP, Sao Paulo, Brazil, and Rosely A. L. Imberson, Program in Teaching and History of Earth Sciences at the University of Campinas, Campinas, Brasil
- My Favorite Demonstration: The Reasons for the Seasons - Martha Murphy, Santa Rosa Junior College, Santa Rosa, California
Letter from the Editor
Cindy Shellito, Editor in Chief
Restoring a Lost Sense of Place: An Interdisciplinary Course in the Anthracite Coal Region of Pennsylvania

D.H. Vice, Penn State HAzleton, and Harold Aurand, Jr., Penn State Schuylkill
NAGT, GSA and CUR Education Division Awards for 2014
Read about all of the 2014 NAGT, GSA, and CUR Education Awards (Acrobat (PDF) 6.1MB Oct6 14).
- Learn more about NAGT's Awards
NGSS: Three Resonating Themes for Geoscience Education

Kurtz K Miller, Thurgood Marshall STEM High School, Dayton Public Schools, Dayton, Ohio
- Common Core State Standards Initiative
- Next Generation Science Standards
- Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC)
- Smart Balanced Assessment Consortium
- The Partnership for 21st Century Skills
- Assessments: The Next Generation
Paleolithic Rock & Roll: Making Music with Granite and Shale --- An Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching Geology and Physics
Adriana P. B. Tufaile, Alberto Tufaile, Carlos Molina Mendes, Arlino C. Liverio Jr., and Eduardo M. Santos, the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities, University of Sao Paulo-EACH-USP, Sao Paulo, Brazil, and Rosely A. L. Imberson, Program in Teaching and History of Earth Sciences at the University of Campinas, Campinas, Brasil
Music is an appealing subject for students, and is the central theme in the interdisciplinary teaching approach introduced here. So we have constructed and analyzed a lithophone to use as an educational tool in geology and physics classes.
- An interdisciplinary approach using a lithophone
- A rock lithophone was used earlier this year by the French Natural Orchestra. Listen to the story
My Favorite Demonstration: The Reasons for the Seasons
Martha Murphy, Santa Rosa Junior College, Santa Rosa, California
Web Features
Campus-Based Learning »
Campus-based learning uses the campus buildings and grounds as teaching tools. Campus-based learning can be used in all of the parts of the geoscience umbrella, from the most specific geology class to the broadest introductory environmental studies class.
Curriculum for the Bioregion »
Curriculum for the Bioregion is a network of educators in Washington State who are integrating sustainability and place-based content in a broad array of undergraduate courses.
News and Advertisements View All Website News Releases
- October In the Trenches
- Geo2YC Division Outstanding Adjunct Faculty Award Voting
- New Teaching Materials from InTeGrate
- News from SAGE 2YC
- AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowships
Community Advertisements
- Lecturer with Potential for Security of Employment position in Earth System Science - UC Irvine
- Assistant Professor, Geoscience Education - Grand Valley State University
- Department Head/Full Professor at Montana State
- Geoscience Education assistant Professor at Cal State Fullerton
- GSA short course: Hands-On Experiences with Stable Isotopes in the Geosciences Curriculum
- Geosciences Assistant Professor - Fort Lewis College
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