In the Trenches - April 2014
Volume 4, Number 2
In This Issue
- Next Generation Science Standards Present Unprecedented Opportunities (and Challenges) for K-12 Education - Michael Wysession, Washington University, St. Louis, MO
- Supporting K-12 NGSS with Deliberate 2YC, 4YC Efforts - Wendi J. W. Williams, NorthWest Community College, Bentonville, Arkansas, and University of Arkansas, Little Rock, Arkansas; Susan M. Buhr Sullivan, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado; and Anne E. Egger, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, Washington
- Getting Proactive for NGSS and the Common Core - Michael J. Passow, Dwight Morrow High School, Englewood, New Jersey, and Earth2Class Workshops, Lamont- Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, Palisades, New York
- LEARNING BY DOING: Visualizing Atmospheric Pressure - Bruce Albrecht, University of Miami, Miami, Florida
- ANNOUNCEMENTS: Forthcoming in the Journal of Geoscience Education in May: Teaching Geoscience in the Context of Culture and Place (Part 2)
- Diving into the Trenches: Achieving Balance - Richard Yuretich, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and convener of NAGT's Cutting Edge Early Career Workshop
Online Supplements
This site provides web links that supplement the print articles as well as news and web resources. To receive the full edition of In the Trenches join NAGT
Next Generation Science Standards Present Unprecedented Opportunities (and Challenges) for K-12 Education

Michael Wysession, Washington University
Supporting K-12 NGSS with Deliberate 2YC, 4YC Efforts
Wendi J. W. Williams, NorthWest Community College and University of Arkansas, Little Rock; Susan M. Buhr Sullivan, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado; and Anne E. Egger, Central Washington University
- InTeGrate: Interdisciplinary Teaching about Earth for a Sustainable Future
- NAGT Position Statements
- 10 Myths & Realities about Community College Teacher Education Programs National Association of Community Colleges Teacher Education Programs, 2009.
Getting Proactive for NGSS and the Common Core
Michael J. Passow, Dwight Morrow High School and Earth2Class Workshops, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University
- Tales of the Resolution Reading Activities
- What's the Role for Graphic Novels in Science Education?" with Carl Brenner
- Next Generation Science Standards
- Joides Resolution: Science in Search of Earth's Secrets
- Earth2Class
LEARNING BY DOING: Visualizing Atmospheric Pressure

Bruce Albrecht, University of Miami
- Weather in the News
- Tracking Hurricane News
- Get the Picture: Severe Weather
- Hurricanes and Climate
- Teaching Box: Clouds
- UConnect
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Forthcoming in the Journal of Geoscience Education in May: Teaching Geoscience in the Context of Culture and Place (Part 2)
The Ghost Forests of Cascadia: How Evaluating Geological Inquiry Puts Practice Into Place
Curriculum, Instruction, Research Articles
COSEE-AK Ocean Science Fairs: A Science Fair Model That Grounds Student Projects in Both Western Science and Traditional Native Knowledge
Place in the City: Place-Based Learning in a Large Urban Undergraduate Geoscience Program
Indigenous Knowledge and Geoscience on the Flathead Indian Reservation, Northwest Montana: Implications for Place-Based and Culturally Congruent Education Placing Ourselves on a Digital Earth: Sense of Place Geoscience Education in Crow Country
Kahua A‛o—A Learning Foundation: Using Hawaiian Language Newspaper Articles for Earth Science Professional Development
NSF-OEDG Manoomin Science Camp Project: A Model for Engaging American Indian Students in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Developing Scientific Literacy in Introductory Laboratory Courses: A Model for Course Design and Assessment
Undergraduates Discovering Folds in "Flat" Strata: An Unusual Undergraduate Geology Field Methods Course
Analysis of Spatial Concepts, Spatial Skills and Spatial Representations in New York State Regents Earth Science Examinations
Diving into the Trenches: Achieving Balance

Richard Yuretich, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and convener of NAGT's Cutting Edge Early Career Workshop
Web Features
NAGT: Next Generation Science Standards »
NAGT took part in the development of the Next Generation Science Standards. Learn more about how and why in the Educational Advocacy section of the NAGT website.
SERC's K12 Portal »
This portal provides a wealth of teaching materials and resources developed by projects being hosted by SERC. There are hundreds of classroom activities organized by grade level and topic as well as guidance on effective teaching. Many of these resources were expressly developed with a K-12 audience in mind. Others can be adapted to K-12 classrooms even though they were originally developed with a college audience in mind.
Teacher Education Division (TED) »
The new Teacher Education Division of NAGT (or TED) is just starting up and electing their first set of officers. If you are interested in the issues surrounding K12 geoscience education and the preparation of Earth science teachers, consider joining the discussion in this new division.
News and Advertisements View All Website News Releases
- NAGT Elections
- NAGT Program Deadlines
- April In the Trenches
- International Conference on Geoscience Education (7th GeoSciEd), India, 5-9 Sept '14
- National Fossil Day Art and Photography Contest 2014
- 2014 ESIP Summer Meeting Announcement - July 8-11, Frisco, CO
- Two New Resource Guides for Those Who Teach or Explain Astronomy
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