Professional Development

NAGT's On the Cutting Edge professional development program includes workshops, webinars, conferences, online resource collections and other efforts that support geoscience educators. These activities provide opportunities for faculty to learn more about pedagogy, to share their classroom and professional experiences and teaching materials, and to discuss what works and what's needed in geoscience education.

The On the Cutting Edge professional development program is run in collaboration with the Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College (SERC) and builds on the legacy of the original NSF-funded program including many of its program elements as well as its design philosophy and workshop model.

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Upcoming Events

NAGT's On the Cutting Edge professional development events include a broad range of topics from preparing for an academic career to teaching energy awareness and teaching about risk and resilience. View upcoming events from this program as well as from NAGT's sponsored projects below.

There is also a rich archive from over 400 past events.

Professional Development Programs

Earth Educators' Rendezvous

The Earth Educators' Rendezvous is NAGT's biennial, week-long conference for educators, education researchers, and education professionals aimed at improving Earth science education.

Traveling Workshops Program

The TWP brings facilitators and customized professional development to your organization to strengthen departments, improve courses, support all students, increase enrollment and retention, and more.

Early Career Geoscience Faculty Workshops

These workshops for tenure-track early career faculty include sessions on effective teaching, course design, establishing a research program, working with students, work-life balance, and time management.


The NAGT supports numerous webinars that vary in topic depending on the collaborating program or project. You can register for upcoming webinars or browse recordings in the past webinar archives.

Geoscience Education Workshops

In-person and online workshops that provide opportunities for faculty to learn, share, and network about geoscience education.

Related Resources

Activity Review

NAGT coordinates regular peer review of community and project contributed teaching materials. This process identifies a collection of exemplary teaching materials that are a great starting point when looking for new activities to add to your classes.

Geoscience Education Research

Participate in or explore resources from in-depth workshops and webinars devoted to Geoscience Education Research (GER).

Implementing the Next Generation Science Standards

The NAGT supports workshops, webinars, and discussions to help implementation of the framework for K-12 science education, the foundation for the Next Generation Science Standards.

NAGT at Meetings

NAGT supports a number of workshops throughout the year at various conferences that differ in size and scope. Request to have NAGT sponsor your session or event.

Teach the Earth

Teach the Earth is a portal to thousands of resources from dozens of Earth Education websites. Resources include classroom activities, course descriptions and syllabi, information about pedagogical strategies, topical collections, and more.

In fulfilling its vision and mission, NAGT promotes, provides, expects and endorses a professional and respectful atmosphere and values a diversity of views and opinions at NAGT supported events and programs. All NAGT meetings and events participants are expected to abide by the NAGT Code of Conduct, which applies in all venues, events, and on-line forums associated with NAGT. Please read the full NAGT Code of Conduct Policy for details.

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