Initial Publication Date: July 9, 2022
2012 Winners of Dorothy LaLonde Stout Professional Development Grants

Cari Gomes is an instructor of Earth, Space and Aviation Sciences at Palomar Community College, a designated Hispanic-serving institution in CA. She plans to use the grant money to provide a field-based approach to teaching Geosciences. She will develop a project that gets her students out into the lagoons of San Diego Country to investigate many different parameters in an effort to stimulate their interest in the Geosciences.

James Johnson is the only secondary science teacher at the Children's Center for Treatment and Education, a private alternative school for special needs children. He will use his Stout grant to complete a the final session of the Astrobiology Laboratory Institute for Instructors at the University of Hawaii Manoa.

Cassandra Strickland is an Earth science instructor at Columbia Basin College. She will use your grant award to purchase basic mineral identification supplies (glass plates, magnets, streak plates, hand lenses), an assortment of common student mineral samples, and a few rock samples in order to teach a series of introductory mineral and rock identification classes for the Kittitas Valley homeschoolers ranging in age from 5-19.