In the Trenches - July 2013
Volume 3, Number 3
In This Issue
- EarthLabs - Student-Centered Labs to Engage High School Students - Tamara Shapiro Ledley, Erin Bardar and Nick Haddad, Technical Education Research Centers, Inc. (TERC), Cambridge, MA
- Teaching the process of Science with Visionlearning - Anne Egger, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA
- Starting Point: Teaching Methods and Resources to Jump-start Your Class - Mary Savina, Carleton College, Northfield, MN
- Engaging Students in Learning: Examples from SERC Sites - Monica Bruckner, Science Education Resource Center, Northfield, MN
- Using Research-based Pedagogies to Improve Learning: Resources on the Cutting Edge - David McConnell, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, and the Cutting Edge Leadership Team
- Earthlearningidea - Firing Up Your Earth Science Teaching - Chris King, Peter Kennett and Elizabeth Devon, Keele University, Keele, Staffordshire, United Kingdom
- NAGT Announces New Collaborations, Big Changes to Member Services - Susan Buhr Sullivan, President, NAGT, and Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, Boulder, Colorado
EarthLabs - Student-Centered Labs to Engage High School Students

Tamara Shapiro Ledley, Erin Bardar and Nick Haddad, Technical Education Research Centers, Inc. (TERC)
- Teacher Guide:
- Student Portal:
Teaching the process of Science with Visionlearning

Anne Egger, Central Washington University
Starting Point: Teaching Methods and Resources to Jump-start Your Class
Mary Savina, Carleton College
Engaging Students in Learning: Examples from SERC Sites
Monica Bruckner, Science Education Resource Center
- SERC Site Guides
- Site Guide: Strengthening your Teaching
- Site Guide: Quantitative Skills, Thinking, and Reasoning
- Site Guide: Hazards
Using Research-based Pedagogies to Improve Learning: Resources on the Cutting Edge
David McConnell, North Carolina State University
Earthlearningidea - Firing Up Your Earth Science Teaching

Chris King, Peter Kennett and Elizabeth Devon, Keele University
NAGT Announces New Collaborations, Big Changes to Member Services
Susan Buhr Sullivan, President, NAGT, and Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
Web Features
Teaching with Maps
Using maps in the classroom invites curiosity, encourages exploration and inspires problem solving. Maps can be used to explore a multitude of topics and can incorporate visual learning, spatial thinking and quantitative skills into a lesson. In support of AGI's Earth Science Week, NAGT sponsored the development of this collection of resources to help K-12 geoscience teachers engage their students with maps.
Mars for Earthlings
Mars for Earthlings seeks to expose undergraduate students to planetary study through Mars remote sensing data and Earth-based analogs. Through this resource educators can access learning modules to integrate into earth science classes. Interviews and thoughts from planetary scientists and geologists will present current issues in planetary sciences.
Curriculum for the Bioregion
Higher education must lead the way in preparing learners for citizenship in a world where the complex issues of sustainability—environmental quality, community health and wellbeing, and social equity and justice—are paramount. Curriculum for the Bioregion engages faculty communities in exploring these issues and in building sustainability concepts and place-based learning in a wide array of courses and disciplines. This project has developed activities that incorporate sustainability concepts and place-based learning, introductory courses that feature sustainability themes, and essays on bioregional teaching and learning and the pedagogies of teaching for a sustainable future.
News and Advertisements View All Website News Releases
- Abstracts for GSA and AGU - Due by August 6, 2013
- Earth Science Week 2013 Contests Announced
- New EOS Article: Transforming the Teaching of Geoscience and Sustainability
- 2 Minute Geology
- 2013 Outstanding Teaching Assistants Award Winners
- GSA Student Travel Grants
Community Advertisements:
- Manager, Cascadia Hazards Institute, Central Washington University (Posted: Jul 25 2013)
- Earth and Space Sciences Faculty at Santa Rosa Junior College (Posted: Jan 28 2013)
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