In the Trenches
Latest Article
Welcome to 2025!
Welcome to 2025! I hope everyone had a great holiday break. (Hopefully you got a break!)
I'm extremely happy to introduce the new format for ITT. ITT's first publication was in 2011 as a way to provide additional resources to earth educators. Members received a printed magazine quarterly. This was very successful, but there was a limit to how much information could be published. ITT then transitioned to a fully online publication in 2022. The online magazine format accommodated more articles, larger articles, and more pictures. We have taken the evolution of ITT one step further in 2025. More
About ITT
Redina Finch (Western Illinois University), Editor,
In the Trenches (ITT) is an interactive online publication designed to provide a venue for NAGT members to learn about and discuss teaching strategies and resources, the work of NAGT committees, sections, and divisions, and other ideas relevant to Earth educators and education researchers. Articles are published online as they are finished, and each article includes a threaded discussion board and the opportunity to comment, ask questions of the author(s), and interact with other NAGT members. Access to the full articles and interactive discussions is a benefit of membership in the organization. Become a NAGT member today!
Information for authors
Suggest content Submit an article Style guide
In the Trenches seeks contributions about resources for teaching and learning, effective teaching strategies, successful advocacy efforts, professional development programs and opportunities, book reviews, profiles of geoscience educators and students, and other articles that would be of interest to our members. The online-native format allows for photos, videos, interactive visualizations and simulations, and links to external resources. The threaded discussions allow readers to comment on articles, and we ask authors to lead and participate in these discussions when their article is published.
See the style guide for details about formatting your submission and use this form to submit an article for review.
Use the content suggestion form to submit your idea. Members wishing to write a letter to the editor that reflects or responds to recent content in the journal can do so using the letter to the editor submission form.