EarthScope Speaker Series 2011-2012

published Jun 23, 2011 11:26am

The 2011-2012 EarthScope Speaker Series presents scientific results of EarthScope research to faculty and students at colleges and universities. Travel and lodging for EarthScope Speakers is provided by funds from the National Science Foundation.

Questions or further information: please contact the EarthScope National Office at

2011-2012 EarthScope Speakers:

Dr. Lucy Flesch, Purdue University
"Integration of Plate Boundary Observatory and USArray Data to Quantify the Forces Driving Deformation in the Western United States"

Dr. James P. Evans, Utah State University
"Earthquake Petrology: The Signatures of Seismic Slip and Fluid Flow in Faults"

Dr. Bridget Smith-Konter, University of Texas at El Paso
"Locked, Loaded, and Looming? Exploring Earthquake Cycle Stress History of Seismically-active Faults of the San Andreas Fault System"

Dr. Terry Plank, Columbia University
"Extending a Continent: Magmatism and Lithosphere Dynamics across the Basin and Range Province of the western United States"

Dr. William L. Ellsworth, U. S. Geological Survey
"Earthquakes from the Top to the Bottom of the Magnitude Scale: Insights into Earthquake Physics from EarthScope"