2014 Officer Elections
published May 6, 2014 9:19amMay 6, 2014 - Jun 6, 2014
It is again time for the annual NAGT election. This year the ballot includes 2nd Vice President, and two Councilors at Large. The voting begins on the morning of Tuesday, May 6th and ends on Friday, June 6th.
2nd Vice President Candidate Anne Egger
Anne Egger is an Assistant Professor at Central Washington University with a joint appointment in Geological Sciences and Science Education. This joint appointment means that her teaching includes geology majors, elementary and middle-level teaching majors, Earth science teaching majors, and general education students. She has facilitated undergraduate curricular design at a variety of institutions, from reviving Stanford's undergraduate geophysics program to reflect the diverse research interests of the faculty, to developing the first Earth science undergraduate degree in Singapore at Nanyang Technological University, to reforming the Middle-Level Science Teaching major at CWU to better meet the Next Generation Science Standards. She is particularly interested in emphasizing the connections between research and education at all levels: incorporating scientific research results into science classes, reforming teaching based on scientific results, and involving students in authentic scientific experiences.
Education: BA Geology, Yale University; MS and PhD Geology, Stanford University. Professional Experience: faculty at San Juan College, Farmington, NM; Undergraduate Program Coordinator in the School of Earth Sciences, Stanford University; currently faculty at Central Washington University; Senior Editor of Visionlearning. Teaching Experience: introductory geology, field camp (intro and advanced), structural geology, science methods (elementary and secondary education), introduction to research seminar, geoscience writing. Service has included: General Education Committee, CWU; geoscience councilor, Council of Undergraduate Research; Electorate Nominating Committee, Education Section, AAAS; workshop convener for On the Cutting Edge and NAGT workshops; member of AGU, GSA, AAAS, AWG, and NAGT.
Council Candidate Karen Viskupic
Karen Viskupic is the Education Programs Manager in the Department of Geosciences at Boise State University, where she focuses on geoscience education and student success. Karen works with geoscience faculty on curriculum development and assessment, advises all undergraduate geoscience students, and works on several NSF-funded campus-wide initiatives focused on improving the undergraduate and graduate STEM education experiences.
Education: BA Geology, Washington University in St. Louis; PhD Geology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Professional Experience and Service: research faculty at Boise State University (2003-present); Department of Geosciences Education Programs Manager at Boise State University (2006-present); PI, NSF GK-12 project partnering geoscience and biology students with informal learning centers (2008-present); member of the InTeGrate Assessment Team; member of the leadership teams for Cutting Edge Classroom Observation and Embedded Assessment research projects; Boise State GeoClub faculty advisor.
Council Candidate Suzanne Smaglik
Suzanne (Suki) Smaglik is a Professor of Earth and Physical Sciences at Central Wyoming College, in Riverton and Lander, WY. In addition to teaching geology, chemistry, Earth system science, physical science, and science education, Suki also over sees a robust interdisciplinary early undergraduate research program in geochemistry. Research topics include extremophile genomics at Thermopolis, Hydrology of the Little Popo Agie River, and Cenozoic landscape development of Table Mountain near Lander, Wyoming. These research projects are financially support by small grants from several programs: ESPCoR (NSF), INBRE (NIH), Space Grant, CCURI (NSF). She has participated in many Cutting Edge workshops and served on the NAGT Geo2YC Division Organizational Committee. In addition, Suki donates time and energy to community events and national organizations.
Education: BA Chemistry & Geology, Beloit College; MSc Geochemistry, Colorado School of Mines; ABD Geology & Geophysics, University of Hawai'i-Manoa. Appointments and Professional Experience: Instructor: Geologic Field Assistant & Physical Science Technician, USGS; Geology & Physical Science, CSU-Bakersfield; Instructor: Geology & Chemistry, Metro State College of Denver; Instructor: Chemistry, Northern Michigan University; Academic Advisor, Northern Michigan University; Instructor through Professor, CWC. Service: Regional Science Fair Coordinator; CWC Curriculum Committee, CWC Faculty Vice President, numerous academic committees at CWC; 2YC representation to GSA Geoscience Education Committee; NAGT North Central Region President; Wyoming NASA Space Grant Consortium Board; Girl Scout leader and leader trainer. Awards: CWC Outstanding Faculty Member, 2012-2013; Wyoming Community College Leadership Award; Faculty Member of the Year Nominee, 2012-2103; CWC Faculty President 2014-2015.