2014 2YC Officer Elections
published May 6, 2014 9:19amMay 6, 2014 - Jun 6, 2014
It's time to elect new officers for the Geo2YC Division to help lead the Division through the next year. The election begins May 6th and goes through June 6th.
Vice President Candidate
Kaatje Kraft
Education: B.A. (Geology major, Chemistry minor) Colby College; M.S. (Geology) Arizona State University; Ph.D. (Science Education) Arizona State University. Teaching: Mesa Community College, Mesa, AZ (2000-present). Geo2YC/NAGT contributions: Geo2yc division Web master (2012-2014), NAGT SW-Section OESTA Coordinator (2005-present), NAGT SW-Section President (2003-2005).Secretary/Treasurer
Christine Witkowski
Education: BS Biology, Univ of Connecticut; MS Geology, Univ of Connecticut; ABD Boston University. Teaching Experience: Adjunct Instructor at Middlesex Community College (MA), Manchester Community College, Univ of Connecticut (04-10); Associate Professor of Environmental Science, Middlesex Community College (CT) (10-present). Professional Experience: Park Geologist (07-10), Dinosaur State Park (CT). Service: Pres. NAGT New England Section (07-08); Award Review Committee Member, Association of Women Geoscientists (09-11); Steering Committee & Founding Member, Geological Society of Connecticut (09-10); Planning Committee & Workshop Chair, Geological Society of America Northeastern Section Meeting (11-12); NSF Grant Review Panel (12). Awards: Jonathan Daube Faculty Award, Middlesex Community College (CT) (11).
Newsletter Editor Candidate
Thomas Whittaker
I am an Assistant Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences at the University of New Mexico Valencia Campus, a 2-year college located in rural Valencia County, New Mexico. I am now in my third year teaching here, after completing undergraduate and graduate training in England, New Zealand and the United States. My passions lie in paleoclimatology, environmental geochemistry and designing educational activities that I hope will inspire students of all ages to pursue a life-long interest in the geosciences. In addition to my on-campus commitments I am an advisor for and avid participant in the local branch of the New Mexico Master Naturalist program, and I work regularly with local high school students enrolled in the UNM-VC Upward Bound program.
Education: BS. Environmental Science, Univ East Anglia (UK); MS. Quaternary and Climate Studies, Univ of Maine; PhD Univ of Waikato (NZ); Post-Doc. Univ of New Mexico (11-12). Teaching Experience: Adjunct Instructor, Earth & Planetary Science at Univ of New Mexico, Main and Valencia campuses (08-10); Lecturer III Earth & Planetary Science, Univ of New Mexico Valencia (12-13); Asst. Prof. Earth & Planetary Science, Univ of New Mexico Valencia (14->). Service: Curriculum Adviser, New Mexico Master Naturalist Program (at WWCA); Instructor Upward Bound (at UNM-VC).
Frank Granshaw
Education: BA Physics and Psychology, Linfield College; MAT Science Education, Lewis and Clark College; MS Geology, Portland State University; PhD Geology with an emphasis on Geoscience Education, Portland State University. Teaching Experience: Earth and Environmental Science at Portland Community College (1990 to present), Geology at Portland State University (2002-present). Service: Energy and physics specialist, Oregan Museum of Science and Industry (1980-1989); Mobile Computer Education Mangaer, Lawrence Hall of Science (1977-1979); Education website development for Mount Rainer and Rocky Mountain National Parks, Skagit Environmental Endowment Commission, PSU Glacier Program, Teachers on the Leading Edge, and Artemis Science. Organizational Experience: Oregon Counselor for NAGT Pacific Northwest Section; Founding committee member of Geo2YC; Co-organizer of 2YC session and activities at the 2009 GSA national conference; Center for Learning and Teaching in the West Fellow.
Archivist Candidate
Amber Kumpf
Education: BS. Applied Geophysics, Michigan Tech Univ (02); MS. Oceanography Marine Geology and Geophysics; (All but revisions completed towards a PhD), Univ of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography (10). Teaching Experience: Adjunct Instructor Oceanography, Univ Rhode Island (08); Adjunct Instructor Geology, Salem State College (09); Full-time Lecturer Geology and Oceanography, Norwich University (10-11); Continuing Contract Full-time Instructor Geology and Oceanography, Muskegon Community College (11-present). Research/Professional Experience: Geophys/Seis Intern, Marathon Oil Co. (02); Visiting Researcher Geophys Fluid Dynamics Lab, Australian National Univ (04); Phys Props Scientist, Expedition 305 and 324, JOIDES Resolution (05, 09). Service: K-12 Outreach Program Leader, Office of Marine Programs Univ of Rhode Island (03-08); Volunteer Judge, Nat'l Ocean Sciences Bowl (07); External Reviewer, Lab Assessment Team, JOIDES Resolution (10).