IRIS Survey: Education Practice about Earth's Interior

published Sep 14, 2015 10:52am
The IRIS consortium is working on a new project and we are looking for people who would be willing to give us some feedback on their education practice about Earth's interior. Specifically, are seeking geoscience faculty that fit into one of the following two categories.

Group A - Faculty who currently USE Alan Jone's "Seismic Waves" program in their instruction of seismic wave propagation in Earth's interior. (e.g.

Group B - Faculty who teach about seismic wave propagation in Earth's interior but DO NOT USE Alan Jone's "Seismic Waves" program. This includes teachers that have used the "Seismic Waves" program in the past, but no longer do so.

Respondents to this call will be invited to complete a short series of online questions. Responses to these questions will be anonymous unless you choose to provide your name and email to indicate your willingness to be contacted personally for follow-up details. Individual responses will never be shared outside of the development team.

To participate, express your interest to and indicate which Group you would fall into. Once enough contacts have been collected I will be in touch with everyone.