Research Journal: Journal of Geoscience Education

JGE v.70 n.1 Cover

The Journal of Geoscience Education (JGE) is NAGT's peer-reviewed publication for geoscience education research, and serves as an international forum for research concerning the pedagogy, assessment, and philosophy of teaching and learning about the geosciences and related domains. JGE is published for the National Association of Geoscience Teachers by Taylor & Francis.

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What we publish

JGE welcomes submissions from across and beyond the geosciences. Prior to submitting a paper, authors will want to explore:

Manuscripts are submitted through Editorial Manager.

Access to the journal

NAGT members can access the journal through their membership account to view articles online and download PDFs. For more information on online and print subscriptions, visit the subscriptions page. Institutional access is provided through Taylor & Francis.

Older issues of JGE are available through the NAGT Executive Director's office. For specific back issues, please visit the subscriptions and back issue requests page.

Ways to get involved

Review for JGE

If you are interested in serving as a reviewer for JGE, please create or update your profile in Editorial Manager to include classifications and keywords that reflect your areas of expertise. Classifications and keywords are used as search terms by our Associate Editors to match reviewers to manuscripts.

Apply to serve as an Associate Editor

Learn more about what is involved in being an Associate Editor and apply.

Journal history

Explore a timeline of the journal's history.


Alison Jolley, University of Waikato

Editor for Curriculum & Instruction

Karen Kortz, Community College of Rhode Island

Editor for Research

Peggy McNeal, Towson University

See all current and past Editors and Associate Editors

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