2021 TED Elections
published May 31, 2021 4:17pmOfficer Candidate Elections
Christopher Roemmele received his PhD. from the Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences Department at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, focusing on geoscience education. His dissertation research focused on undergraduate students taking introductory geology to identify specific topics activities that initiate changes in their attitudes and conceptual understanding. As a result of his findings, his current research involves the development and creation of instructional demonstration videos and virtual reality field trips for use in introductory geology classes (and ultimately middle-secondary science classes) and determining their impact on learning, understanding, and appreciation of geoscientific concepts. Dr. Roemmele is deeply interested in developing and collaborating on new activities that promote active learning environments for the geology/earth science classroom of all levels – particularly through the use of demonstrations and interactive collaborative meetings. He has published in NSTA's Science Teacher and Science Scope, NESTA's The Earth Scientist, and NAGT's In the Trenches. While at Purdue, he was the Coordinator of the GK-12 Program, which provides middle-school teaching experiences for graduate students of all disciplines, and helped to incorporate their research interests into standards-based lessons. Prior to Purdue, Dr. Roemmele taught high school and middle school earth science for 15 years in New Jersey, during which time he was President of the New Jersey Earth Science Teachers Association, and was a university adjunct teaching earth science and elementary science methods. He received his Master's Degree in Science Education from Kean University, and his Bachelor of Arts in the Geosciences from Franklin and Marshall College. Dr. Roemmele currently serves as Vice President and Awards Chair for the NAGT Eastern Section, and is a NESTA member and reviewer for The Earth Scientist, and a member of NSTA and GSA's Geoscience Education Division.
Vice President
Dr. Tarin Weiss, Professor. Dr. Weiss joined Westfield State University's Chemical and Physical Sciences Department in Fall 2007 and teaches courses in science education, geology, and physical science. Her interests focus on sedimentary processes and stream flow and how students learn and teach science. She is actively involved in the National Association of Geoscience Teachers and presents at the Geological Society of America regional meetings on topics/issues related to science education. She also provides geology talks and walks in local communities.
Past President
George Bartuska teaches at Lawton Chiles Middle Academy, an IB Magnet School in Lakeland, Florida. Within the Space Foundation's Teacher Liaison program, George engages in peer-to-peer instruction. Previously, he served as Academic Advisor to USAF Civil Air Patrol and taught adult Coast Guard Auxiliary members in mandated Coastal Marine Weather and Hurricane Preparedness courses. A veteran of the U.S. Navy, he served aboard the U.S.S. John F. Kennedy. Since then, George has emphasized meteorology, oceanography, and space sciences education. In his current position, George facilitated a Sea Perch Challenge Grant through Embry Riddle Aeronautical University for 7th & 8th grade students to build and operate Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV) underwater. He also obtained two years grant funding for High Altitude Balloon Launch from Motorola Corp. and the Polk Education Foundation, as well as a SPLASH Grant from the Southwest Water Management District to purchase an Aquifer Groundwater Model and other teaching instrumentation.
Education: Currently licensed to teach Earth-Space Science (grades 6-12), FL. Pursuing Doctor of Business Administration degree at Orlando University, Orlando, FL. M.Sc. Health Management, Orlando University, Orlando, FL. B.Sc. Agriculture, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
Professional Experience: Kathleen High School, Lakeland, FL - Taught AP Environmental Science, Marine Science, and Earth-Space Science; introduced Project Based Learning (PBL) into the classroom and SKYPE to interact with National Weather Service Meteorologist. Central Florida Aerospace Academy, Lakeland, FL - Charter faculty member and first-year teacher in inaugural launch. United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, Tampa, FL. American Society of Civil Engineers Educational Outreach.