GSA Fall 2012 Charlotte Meeting - Geoscience Education Sessions

published Apr 23, 2012 4:23pm
Dear Geoscience Education Colleagues,

Greetings! We wanted to update you on the progress made in reforming the session proposal process for the GSA annual meeting. As you may recall, we received 39, often similar and competing oral session proposals for the 2011 meeting in Minneapolis. With so many proposed sessions, many failed to meet the abstract minimum forcing us to build 10 combined sessions late in the summer, straining Division and GSA officers and meeting space. By contrast, we have received 16 oral session proposals for the 2012 meeting in Charlotte. It is clear that you as a community were successful in collaborating to produce a smaller number of broadly defined sessions that have a high probability of attracting enough abstracts to secure a room in the tight meeting space we must work with in Charlotte. We want to thank you for your efforts in this regard and ask that you continue to support us in this work as you look towards the August 14 abstract submission deadline.

Given the space constraints in Charlotte, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to accommodate any additional general sessions during the 2012 meeting. As such, we ask all our colleagues to give very serious consideration to submitting abstracts directly to one of the established sessions. If you are unsure if your abstract fits a particular session, please contact the session advocates directly and inquire, preferably long before the summer deadline. Similarly, we ask that all session advocates please look at proposed abstracts with a broad and inclusive approach. This is especially important as only those sessions which meet the 12 abstract minimum will be guaranteed space for an oral session in Charlotte. Sessions failing to meet the minimum abstract number and abstracts not fitting into any oral session will almost certainly be assigned as posters as we simply will not have the rooms to create new oral sessions. The oral sessions sponsored by GED and NAGT in 2012 include:
  • T60: EarthScope in Geoscience Education and Outreach: Past Successes and Future Opportunities
  • T61: Research and Instructional Approaches of Access and Inclusion to Increase Diversity in the Geosciences
  • T62: Geology Careers for New Geology Graduates
  • T63: Digital Education Resources and Strategies: Best Practices and Content that Support Hybrid Learning K-20 and Professionally
  • T64: Informal Geosciences Education and Learning Environments
  • T67: Innovative Classroom Approaches to Teaching Biogeochemistry
  • T68: Undergraduate Research is Teaching Paradise
  • T69: Uncertainty in the Earth and Climate Science: Integrating Uncertainty in the Classroom
  • T70: Fostering the Next Generation: Support for Pre-College Teacher and Students by Professional Societies, Institutions, and Federal Agencies
  • T71: Climate Literacy: Research and Evaluation Outcomes from Informal and Formal Climate Education Efforts
  • T72: Geology in the National Parks: Research, Mapping, and Resource Management
  • T73: Successful Strategies for Teaching Online Geoscience Courses
  • T74: Teaching Controversy in the K-16 Earth Science Classroom
  • T75: Climate Literacy: Formal and Informal Educational Activities and Community Outreach to Support an Informed Society
  • T76: Teaching Teachers: Examples of Successful Geoscience Content Courses and Workshops for Pre-Service and In-Service Teachers
  • T77: Innovations and Challenges in Non-Major Instruction in Two- and Four-Year Colleges
  • Current poster sessions include:
  • T57: Building a Professional Portfolio through Hands-On Research Activities in the Geosciences: Focusing on Early Involvement of Undergraduate and K-12 Students
  • T58: Formative Assessment in Geoscience Education
  • T59: Seeing through the Eyes of the Geologist: Eye Tracking, Video, and Image Analysis in Geoscience Education and Geocognition Research (Digital Posters)
  • T65: Student Use of Smart Phone/Tablet Technology in the Field or Classroom: An Educational Resource or the Bane of Your Existence?
  • T66: New Strategies for Teaching Mineralogy, Petrology, Geochemistry, and Volcanology (MPGV) to Geoscience Majors and General Education Students
Please remember the August 14 abstract deadline! Thank you for your efforts on behalf of geoscience education.
Sincerely yours,

Aida Awad, NAGT 2nd VP ----- Sadredin Moosavi, Chair Geoscience Education Division