Introducing the Earth Science of the Northeastern US on Earth@Home
Organization: The Paleontological Research Institution
Grade-level Audience: High School (9-12), Intermediate (3-5), Middle (6-8)
When Offered: September to December
Cost: Free
Format: Online only
Application Deadline: 10/24/2023
For More Information:
Rich with interactive content about Earth and its life, climate, energy, geology, paleontology, and the ways in which Earth systems interact, PRI's website, Earth@Home is your home for learning and teaching Earth systems science.
Visit the site at:
Join us to learn about this free and growing set of resources for you and your students.
Earth@Home includes a new and growing collection of online interactive textbooks, virtual field guides, 3D models of specimens, virtual laboratory and fieldwork activities, and more.
What will you gain?
An introduction to a huge set of beautiful and user friendly resources on regional Earth science.
Who should apply?
Any interested educator.