Initial Publication Date: May 3, 2023

Pop-Up Working Group: Review The Essential Principles of Climate Literacy
Organization: Climate Generation

Content Area: Earth Science, Environmental Science
Grade-level Audience: High School (9-12), Intermediate (3-5), Middle (6-8), Primary (K-2)
When Offered: January to May
Cost: Free
Format: Online only
Application Deadline: None
For More Information:


Join in this interactive discussion to dig into The Essential Principles of Climate Literacy as they exist now and think about how they can be useful moving forward. Climate Generation and many other non-profits, government agencies, environmental educators and teachers have used the principles to align climate change resources and programming for years. The authors of this document are calling for public feedback on an updated version of the principles. This review is a great opportunity to ensure the principles reflect the current state of climate change and justice education. A document will be developed from this discussion which participants can use to inform their own review.

What will you gain?

Teachers will formulate their own definitions of Climate Literacy and will have the chance to provide their feedback on the next iteration of "The Essential Principles of Climate Literacy" guide.

Who should apply?

Open to all educators interested in climate change.