Discover Iceland – Fire and Ice on a Mid-Ocean Ridge
Organization: GEOetc

Content Area: Earth Science, Environmental Science, Geology
Grade-level Audience: High School (9-12), Intermediate (3-5), Middle (6-8), Primary (K-2)
When Offered: June to August
Cost: Cost to enroll
Format: In-Person only
Application Deadline: 30 April 2024 (or when trip is full)
For More Information:


This 7-day (6 night) field trip to Iceland highlights the amazing geology of this Mid-Ocean Ridge country. We will walk across a plate boundary, see recent active volcanism, climb amazing craters, walk to glaciers and so much more. Each and every turn of the road has amazing sites, waterfalls and the greenest landscapes imaginable.

Iceland is an amazing place to learn about Plate Tectonics and glacial landforms.

What will you gain?

You will experience a range of Earth science landscapes from volcanos (including the recent eruptions) to glacial landforms. We will have infield discussions and activities to increase your knowledge of plate tectonics. This is a life changing experience.

Who should apply?

All teachers interested in Earth science.