Teach Earth Fellowships

Organization: Earthwatch

Content Area: Earth Science, Environmental Science
Grade-level Audience: High School (9-12), Intermediate (3-5), Middle (6-8), Primary (K-2)
When Offered: June to August
Cost: Expenses paid, Free, Stipend paid
Format: In-Person only
Application Deadline: Applications for 2024 will open in October 2023 and close in February 2024
For More Information: fellowshipawards@earthwatch.org


As Earthwatch's flagship teacher fellowship program, Teach Earth provides selected teachers with an opportunity to field on an all-teacher Earthwatch expedition team. Fellows engage directly in scientific field research alongside leading scientists and participate in facilitated workshops to help translate their field experience into a lesson plan or community action plan for use in their own school or community.

What will you gain?

Teach Earth identifies individuals who are ready, willing, and prepared to take an Earthwatch experience back to their schools, workplaces, and communities. Each year, we select teachers who demonstrate the potential to gain research skills and content knowledge, raise awareness of the importance of encouraging local community involvement, and ignite passion and excitement for learning in their classroom. Earthwatch awards vary from partial to full scholarships. Full scholarships include a travel award that is reimbursed upon return.

Who should apply?

We welcome applications from U.S.-based K–12 classroom teachers of any subject.
Teach Earth interest form: https://fs22.formsite.com/EarthwatchResearch/TeachEarth/index.html