Organization: Texas A&M University, Department of Geology and Geophysics
Grade-level Audience: High School (9-12), Intermediate (3-5), Middle (6-8)
When Offered: June to August
Cost: Expenses paid, Free, Optional cost, Stipend paid
Format: In-Person only
Application Deadline: April 22, 2023
For More Information: mcpope@tamu.edu

G-Camp is a 14-day field camp for 5th - 12th grade science teachers that provides first-hand experience with the principles of geology in the field, helps you develop new curriculum and virtual fieldtrips for your classroom, and makes learning fun and exciting out-of-doors. This field experience puts you on the outcrops through Texas, New Mexico, and Colorado. G-Camp is only run face-to-face. CEU's are currently being developed by the Texas A&M Education department. Applications are due near the end of April and only 30 teachers will be selected to attend G-Camp, see the website for more information about the registration process, daily activities, etc.
What will you gain?
G-Camp will provide teachers with an introduction to the principles of geology/earth science, as well as the opportunity to develop and share curriculum materials to teach the standards required for grades 5 - 12 earth science/geology.
Who should apply?
All teachers that want to improve their earth science/geology teaching are invited. We travel by commercial bus to each field location and stay in motels along the way. Although we will not be walking long distances each day to reach outcrops and landforms, being able to walk several miles during the day at high elevations is a requirement for participation in G-Camp.