Seeking officer nominations and feedback on bylaws revisions

published Feb 23, 2023 5:05pm

Nominate new NAGT Officers by March 15

Are you or someone you know interested in getting more involved in NAGT?

NAGT strives for an inclusive and diverse leadership team. Our open nomination process is designed to foster broad participation in our leadership and programming.

The Nomination Committee is soliciting nominations from the membership for open positions in the Executive Committee, which is the governing body of the organization. Self-nominations and nominations by any active NAGT member are accepted, and nominations are considered active for three years. The Nomination Committee develops a slate of candidates to present to the Executive Committee for approval. Approved candidates are submitted to the membership for a vote to create a governing body that represents the diversity of the membership in terms of employment, geography, experience in NAGT, and identity.

If you have been involved in NAGT through your Section or Division, serving on a committee, or leading professional development, and you want to do more to help NAGT (or if you know someone else who does), a leadership role at the national level is a great next step.

Nominations are open for the following positions:

  • 2nd Vice-President
  • Councilors-at-Large (2)

Councilors-at-Large serve three-year terms. The 2nd Vice-President transitions to 1st Vice-President, President, and Past President over four years. Terms begin at the GSA Annual Meeting in October 2023.

To learn more about these roles and find out if it's a good fit for you, read the NAGT Officer Guidelines (Acrobat (PDF) 71kB Feb4 20).

If you are interested or would like to nominate someone to serve on the committee, please use this nomination form. Self-nominations are welcome.

Nominate by March 15

Provide feedback on proposed bylaws revisions by May 1

NAGT members are invited to read and comment on revisions to NAGT's bylaws. The revised bylaws will be put to a vote during the May Executive Committee Meeting. Submit any feedback on the bylaws changes by May 1.

Overview of the changes:

  • Bylaw VI, Section 3 was modified to change "secondary level" to "pre-college" to align with how the award has evolved. In addition, all procedural components for the OEST Award Committee were removed to maintain flexibility in the nomination process; these procedures are described in the OEST Process and Procedures Manual.
  • Bylaw VI, Section 7 was modified to add the role of the professional development committee chair as a non-voting, ex officio member of the Executive Committee.
  • Bylaw VII, Section 1 was modified to remove the indication that the annual business meeting happens in conjunction with GSA to reflect the shift to a virtual meeting that is more accessible.
  • Bylaw VIII, Section 2 was modified to describe the new sections recommended by the ad hoc Sections Committee and approved by the Executive Committee.