2023 Geo 2YC Elections

published May 31, 2023 5:33pm

It is time to vote for the next cadre of leaders for Geo2YC: the two-year college division of NAGT. The ballot includes Vice President (and President Elect for the following year), Webmaster, and Archivist. Voting begins on June 1 and ends on July 1.

Officer Candidate Biographies


Sean Tvelia is a Professor of Geology and Chair of the Department of Physical Sciences at Suffolk County Community College. His primary teaching responsibility includes both introductory and upper-level geology courses including a research-oriented field studies course and planetary geology. Sean's current research interest involves the relationship between glacial hydrology and glaciotectonic processes in the development of eastern Long Island landforms. Aside from his academic responsibility in the geology program at Suffolk, Sean is a founding board member of Hamptons Observatory, a not-for-profit organization that provides free public science lectures on the east end of Long Island. In addition to his work in the classroom, Sean is the PI for the NSF-sponsored I-SUCCESS program that provides scholarship and extracurricular programming to STEM majors. Currently Sean is serving on the NAGT's Ad-hoc Sections Committee and is a facilitator for the Traveling Workshop Program.


Karen Layou is a professor of geology at Reynolds Community College in Richmond, Virginia. She teaches seated and online physical and historical geology classes, while also serving Program Head for Geology and Physics. Karen holds a B.S. in Geoscience from Pennsylvania State University, M.S. in Geology from University of Cincinnati, and a Ph.D. in Geology from the University of Georgia with a research background in Paleozoic invertebrate paleoecology. Karen has previously served as President of the NAGT Geo2YC Division, and on the division's Outstanding Adjunct Faculty Award Committee. When she's not in the classroom, Karen can be found working on her goal of exploring as many National and State Parks as possible.


Pete Berquist teaches geology at Thomas Nelson Community College in Williamsburg, Virginia. He has been on the 2YC scene since 2007 and involved as a SAGE Change Agent, Integrate module author, SERC Traveling Workshop Program facilitator, and contributor to the In The Trenches publication. Pete is a champion for getting students out in the field, supporting adjunct instructors, and sharing best practices with fellow instructors to ensure student success in our classes and programs.