Earth Science Teaching Prize Eligibility Expanded

published Jan 3, 2012 3:40pm
Contact: Geoff Camphire

Alexandria, VA – More teachers than ever before are now eligible to win The American Geosciences Institute (AGI) Edward C. Roy, Jr. Award for Excellence in K-8 Earth Science Teaching. In addition to U.S. teachers, instructors throughout the United Kingdom now have the opportunity to compete for the prize.

This award recognizes one full-time teacher from kindergarten to eighth grade, or the U.K. equivalent, for leadership and innovation in Earth science education. The winner will receive a $2,500 prize (USD) and a travel grant of $1,000 (USD) to attend the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) Annual Conference in March 2012 to accept the award. Applications for the 2012 competition must be postmarked by January 10, 2012.

This award is named in honor of Dr. Edward C. Roy, Jr., a past president of AGI, who was a strong and dedicated supporter of Earth science education. To learn more, visit