Workshop on Climate Change Education in Formal Settings, K-14

published Aug 15, 2011 4:29pm

The National Academies Board On Science Education, in collaboration with the Committee on Human Dimensions of Global Change and Division of Earth and Life Studies Invites You To Attend.

August 31 – September 1, 2011
20 F St. Conference Center
Washington, DC

This workshop is part of the Climate Change Education Roundtable, an institution of the National Research Council that brings together representatives of US federal agencies that invest in climate change education with experts in a variety of fields related to climate change education.

The workshop will focus on climate change education in formal settings from Kindergarten through the first two years of college (K-14). It will begin with an investigation on student understanding of climate change and global warming and the state and quality of curriculum and curricular materials/textbooks in K-12. The discussions that follow will focus on the role that upcoming national and state standards may play in shaping future climate change education; then explore teacher understanding and preparation including how teachers currently teach climate change and challenges teachers face when teaching climate change and climate science. The final session will explore a variety of innovative approaches to teaching climate change in high school and the first two years of college. The workshop will provide ample opportunity for discussion and dialogue during plenary and break-out sessions.

Please visit our website for more information: