2016 TED Officer Elections
published May 24, 2016 12:00amIt is time to vote for officers for the Teacher Education Division of NAGT. The ballot includes President, Past President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer. The voting begins on May 24, 2016 and ends on July 1, 2016.
Officer Candidate Elections

Education: BS Meteorology (minor in Geology), California University of Pennsylvania; Ed.D, Science Education, Teachers College, Columbia University. Professional Experience: Assistant Professor at Central Connecticut State University (CCSU) from 2008 to 2014, Associate Professor at CCSU from 2014 to present. Professional Activity: Jeff has been awarded over $1.1 million dollars of external grant funds, either as the principal investigator (PI) or the co-principal investigator (Co-PI). This includes federally-funded Teacher Quality Partnership Grants and Math and Science Partnership Grants. Jeff has also been awarded over $50,000 of internal grant funds. Jeff has 32 conference proceedings and seven peer-reviewed publications, mostly in geoscience education. Professional Service: Jeff has been actively involved in the National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT), the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), the Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE). Jeff has been on the Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE) Awards Committee (10-13), reviewer for the Journal of Geoscience Education, and vice president and president of the NAGT—Teacher Educator Division.
Past President

Education: BA Geology, Smith College; MS Geology, Oregon State University; PhD Geology, Oregon State University. Professional Experience: NSF GK-12 Teaching Fellow (2000-01), Oregon State University Science Connections Outreach Coordinator (2000-04), Western Michigan University Geosciences/Science Education joint faculty (2004-present). Teaching: Earth science for K-8 preservice teachers, earth materials, field geology, graduate courses in science education theory, research, and practice. Service: Curriculum & Instruction Editor for the Journal of Geoscience Education (2014-present), elected officer of the GSA Geoscience Education Division (2004-08), NAGT Distinguished Lecturer (2010-11), TED President (2014-15) and Past President (2015-16). PI/Co-PI on six externally funded science education projects, published over a dozen peer-reviewed papers in both research and practitioner science education journals.
Vice President

Education: B.A., History & Science (Geology & Soviet Studies), Harvard University; Ph.D, Geology & Planetary Science, University of Pittsburgh (PA).
Professional Experience: Western Governors University, Teachers College (2012-present; 2015 WGU Mentoring Contributions Award for peer collaboration and support); Front Range Community College (CO; 2010-2012); Secure World Foundation (CO; 2008-2011); University of Colorado at Boulder, Fiske Planetarium (2004-2008); plus more.
Professional Service: Peer reviewer, Journal of Competency Based Education (2015-present); Founded and administered Earth Education Resources for Two-Year College Faculty (EarthEd2YC; with Rusty Low, NASA Earth Forum Lead; 2014-2015); NAGT Geosciences for Two-Year Colleges (Geo2YC) executive board (archivist; 2012-2014); plus more.

Education: A.B. Geology, Univ. California-Berkeley; M.S. and Ph.D. Geology, Calif. Institute of Tech. Professional Experience: Geosciences Faculty, Middle Tenn. State Univ. (98-present). Service and experience: Organized GSA Southeastern Section field trip (2015) and GSA Annual Meeting field trip (2000); Published 3 papers (including one in 2014) in Journal of Geoscience Education. Awards: 1992 NSF Graduate Fellowship, 1997 Richard H. Jahns graduate assistant teaching award (Caltech Geol. & Planetary Sci.), 1998 NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship in STEM Education (declined by Abolins so he could accept position at Middle Tenn.).