2016 GER Officer Elections
published May 24, 2016 12:00amIt is time to vote for officers of the Geoscience Education Research Division of NAGT. The ballot includes President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Voting begins on May 24 and ends on July 1, 2016.
Officer Candidate Biographies

Education: B.S. Physics, Pennsylvania State University; B.S. Meteorology, Pennsylvania State University; M.S. Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University; Ph.D. Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University. Professional Experience: He is the Education and Public Outreach lead for the NASA CloudSat mission, helping a team of specialists maintain high quality formal and informal education about clouds in general and the CloudSat mission in particular. He is the Principal Investigator for the Teaching Inquiry using NASA Earth-system Science (TINES) program funded by NASA to develop ways to support the use of real data in the K-12 classroom, and has been PI or Co-I on three other NSF Grants and multiple other externally funded programs. He has presented over 50 teaching and learning workshops and presentations around the world on clouds and scientific inquiry, and continues efforts to establish professional learning communities for teacher professional development in science. He is a member of AGU, AMS, NSTA, NARST, ASCD, and NAGT.
Vice President

Karen hopes to continue to foster the community the Geo Ed Research Division has established both within the disciplinary boundaries and beyond.
Education: B.S. Marine Science, Eckerd College; M.S. Oceanography, Texas A&M University; Ph.D. Geology, Texas A&M University. Teaching Experience: Geology I: Processes and Products, Ocean Science, Earth System Science, Climate Change Communication, Biogeochemical Cycles, Environmental Geology, Principles of Pedagogical Design in STEM, Geoscience Education: Theory, Research and Practice Professional Experience: Assistant and Associate Professor at Mississippi State University (6 years); Associate Professor at North Carolina State University (3 years); Co-PI, PI or external evaluator on over 28 external grants with funding from the NSF, NOAA, EPA, and NASA totaling over $14M; ~40 peer-reviewed publications; Editor for Research of JGE (2010-2014) and Associate Editor of JGE (2014-present); Panel Reviewer for NOAA, NSF; Member, NAGT, GSA, AGU.


Katherine has seven years of teaching experience at the high school and college levels, with teaching awards from NC State and NAGT. She enjoys putting her geoscience education research into practice through professional development opportunities. These have included a SERC Career Development Teaching webinar, the NC State Graduate Student Summer Teaching Institute, university-wide workshops on improving practices in STEM labs, and departmental seminars on Moodle and time management. At EMU, she focuses on pre-service teacher training in the earth sciences. In more informal settings, Katherine has designed and led a week-long summer camp geared toward increasing diversity in the geosciences and works regularly with local K-12 students and teachers to engage the community at large.
Education: B.S. Earth and Ocean Sciences, Duke University; M.S. (Sedimentology) and Ph.D. (Geoscience Education) in Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences, North Carolina State University. College teaching experience: Earth Science for Elementary Educators; Secondary Methods for Earth Science Education (Eastern Michigan University); Physical Geology lecture and lab; Geology of NC for Teachers (North Carolina State University). High school teaching experience: Biology, AP Biology, Earth Science, Astronomy, Intro to High School Math, and Algebra I for Durham Public Schools; Durham, NC. Member: GSA, IAGD (International Association for Geoscience Diversity), AEG, NAGT, NSTA, ASTE (Association for Science Teacher Education).