Seeking nominations - GeoCUR Undergraduate Research Mentor Award
published Mar 10, 2015 2:17pmCALL FOR NOMINATIONS -- The Geosciences Division of the Council on Undergraduate Research (GeoCUR) has established an annual award to highlight the importance of mentoring undergraduate research activities.
Eligibility: All Geoscience faculty involved in mentoring undergraduate research.
Prize: $500 along with a year-long CUR membership.
Expectations of Awardee: Short presentation when prize is awarded during the NAGT luncheon at the national GSA conference each fall.
Award Citation: The Geosciences Division of CUR annually recognizes an individual who serves as a role model for productive and transformative student-faculty mentoring relationships and for maintaining a sustained and innovative approach to the enterprise of undergraduate research.
Evidence of transformative student-faculty mentoring relationships include: leadership in fostering and sustaining the undergraduate research enterprise, student-mentor collaborations culminating in presentations at national or regional meetings and/or publication with student co-authors in peer-reviewed journals, and innovative approaches to involving undergraduates in research experiences incorporating research activities into the classroom and service learning.
Application Process: Nomination (including self nominations) materials: A two-page detailed narrative exploring how the candidate meets the criteria of the award, up to five-page CV that is focused on interactions with students, and two to five letters of support (at least one letter from a former student). The application remains on file for three years.
The application window opens March 1st and is open for three months. Send materials electronically to the co-chairs of award committee (Laura Guertin,, and Erin Kraal, no later than June 1st of each year.
To learn more and to listen to inspiring interviews with previous award winners, visit:
Flyer for GeoCUR Undergraduate Research Mentor Award (Acrobat (PDF) 3.1MB Mar10 15)