Initial Publication Date: August 10, 2023

NAGT Media Editor

The National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT) is seeking an Editor for NAGT News and social media outlets, to begin a three-year term in the winter of 2023/2024

Do you enjoy making connections across the geoscience education community? Are you interested in learning about and sharing timely information and resources with the NAGT community and beyond? Do you make a point of staying connected to geoscience education through social media? If you answered yes to these questions, then you might be a good fit for the NAGT Media Editor.

NAGT News is a monthly electronic newsletter that goes out to all members and serves as a means to inform our members about relevant events and activities within and beyond the organization.

NAGT has a presence on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, and the opportunity to expand our impact and reach in social media.

The Media Editor takes the lead on providing accurate and timely information to NAGT members and the community through its newsletter and social media. The Media Editor works closely with the Executive Office staff to assemble and broadcast the monthly newsletter, and with the leadership to ensure that NAGT's public face aligns with the vision, mission, and goals of the organization. In addition, the Media Editor serves in an ex officio non-voting capacity on NAGT's Executive Committee. We seek a Media Editor who is engaged in and excited about opportunities for social networking and wants to help NAGT reach its community.

Duties of the Media Editor

  • Assembling the NAGT News monthly electronic newsletter, including:
    • Monitoring and responding to submissions to the news
    • Soliciting input from the national leadership as well as Division and Section leaders
    • Responding to editorial comments from Executive Office staff
    • Working with Executive Office staff to ensure the newsletter is delivered on a regular schedule
  • Serving as the lead manager of NAGT's social media accounts, including:
    • Posting regularly on Facebook and Twitter
    • Posting Career Hub submissions on NAGT social media accounts
    • Connecting with partner organizations and members through social media
    • Considering additional outlets and/or strategies to support the advancement of our mission
  • Supporting the development and implementation of policies and practices for social media communications
  • Abiding by theethics policy of NAGT in all communications

In order to fulfill these duties, we anticipate a time commitment of 20–30 hours per month. The initial time commitment may be greater initially to become familiar with the system.


The successful candidate will be an active member of the NAGT and the geoscience education community with broad and diverse connections. They will have

  • Awareness of and enthusiasm for NAGT and its vision
  • Broad interests in geoscience education and geoscience education research
  • Demonstrated skills and experience using social media and electronic forms of communication
  • Excellent time management and organizational skills
  • Attention to detail in communication
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate with a wide variety of people.


NAGT budgets $2500 annually for compensation for the Media Editor, which can be disbursed as a stipend or as a contract with an institution.

To apply

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Application submission

Applications are open with no deadline. Go to this online submission form to upload:

  • A cover letter describing:
    • Why you want to serve as NAGT Media Editor
    • Your vision for NAGT's social media presence and electronic communications
    • How you meet the qualifications for the position
  • Examples of your work
  • A current curriculum vitae (CV)


Applicants will be contacted within two weeks of their application submission. Qualified applicants will be invited to schedule a Zoom interview with the search committee.

NAGT will negotiate a contract with the successful candidate to be approved by the Executive Committee.

The NAGT Media Editor will assume responsibilities at an agreed upon date.

Questions and more information

Interested applicants are encouraged to contact NAGT Executive Director Anne Egger ( with questions.

Submit an application »