Initial Publication Date: February 1, 2017

Opportunities Beyond Institutions

Opportunities exist to disseminate GER results and impact teaching and learning at the local to national scale. Many opportunities beyond your institutions actually start with actions you take individually to Make Your GER Results More Accessible to Practitioners. Below are additional ways that specifically address your potential role as a geoscience education researcher at conferences and workshop.

Disseminate GER results directly to practitioners via conference presentations

This is a step that is already well established, however consider ways to better connect with practitioners in your oral presentation or poster. Don't assume everyone in the room is familiar with the disciplinary jargon, so set up your presentation with a short jargon-free summary of the goals, and conclude by specifically address the implications of your GER results on teaching and learning in your presentation.

Disseminate GER results directly to practitioners via professional development

Help shape best practices in teaching by offering workshops at conference meetings that are grounded in evidence-based GER (e.g., innovative curriculum). Model best practices and scaffold learning in the workshop. Engage with professional societies (NAGT, GSA, AGU, NSTA) and target presentations to non-GER colleagues. Recommendations from the On the Cutting Edge program on ways to plan, design, and convene a workshop are found here; these can be adapted for use in your context.

Contribute to the collective evaluation of geoscience education teaching materials

Apply your expertise to the evaluation of teaching materials for NAGT and InTeGrate by participating in "review camps" while at the Earth Educators Rendezvous (e.g., see description of the 2016 EER Review Camps). Look for similar opportunities in the 2017 EER program.

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