Instruments and Surveys

Research design involves careful attention to the selection, adaptation, and/or development of new instruments and surveys to collect data appropriate to your research question.
Instruments and Surveys Collection
Browse the collection of recommended instruments and surveys here. Submit an Instrument to the Collection »
Dancy, M., Hora, M., Ferrare, J., Iverson, E., Lattuca, L., Turns, J., Describing and Measuring Undergraduate STEM Teaching Practice: A Report from a National Meeting on the Measurement of Undergraduate Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Teaching, American Association for the Advancement of Science April 2014.
Special thanks to Tim Shipley, Elizabeth Nagy-Shadman, Lauren Holder, Heather Petcovic, Jenn Sliko, Emily Ward, Dan Dickerson, and Sharon Locke who were part of a working group that helped develop this section of the toolbox.