March 2010 NAGT e-Newsletter

Page 2 - Teaching Resources
This month our teaching resources page features Teaching in the Field with information on field trips, geopads, Google Earth and more.
Recent NAGT News
- New Public Policy Email Lists
- Visualization Materials for the Chile Earthquake
- Visualization Materials for the Haiti Earthquake
- New Long-Range Planning Documents for Geoscience Community
Upcoming Deadlines
Hot Links
- GeoSkill 2010: The Challenges of Training and Developing E&P Professionals in the 21st Century
Pau, France, 29 September - 1 October 2010 - GeoSciEd VI: Geoscience Education - Developing the World
Johannesburg, South Africa
30 August - 3 September 2010
Abstract Deadline Extended: 5/28/2010
New Book List
Living with Earth: An Introduction to Environmental Geology
Travis Hudson, AGI, NAGTNAGT has partnered with AGI on this text to support environmental education at the introductory level. The book is strongly focused on helping students understand the role that the environment plays in their lives and the effects that their choices have on the environment. Learn more and leave a comment about this new book.
To recommend a book to highlight in a future issue or to provide a review of a book, please email John McDaris.
Community Advertisements
This ad is currently running on the NAGT website.
- 'Field Geology for Teachers'
- Position Announcement: UNAVCO Program Director - Education and Outreach
Contribute a Banner Photo for the next e-Newsletter
If you have a photo that will inspire and delight your fellow geoscience educators we want to help you share it.
Contribute to the News
If you have a news item that you would like published via the NAGT website, NAGTNews, or the e-News (next issue-March 2010), submit it via the news upload form.
NAGT Opportunities from the Earth System Education Summit
by David Steer (University of Akron), Editor and Immediate Past President
The focus of this column is to inform you of preliminary outcomes from Earth System Education Summit held in Houston Texas this past February and to briefly point out how NAGT members can become involved in these efforts. This summit was organized by the American Geological Institute (AGI) working with its member societies, federal agencies, school districts, universities and other stakeholders in geoscience education. (Continue reading and comment...)
Conceptual Framework for New Science Education Standards
By Michael Wysession
The National Research Council of the National Academies of Science has undertaken the creation of a new "Conceptual Framework for New Science Education Standards." The project, funded by the Carnegie Foundation of New York, aims to create a framework, one use of which will be to develop the next generation of science standards that will improve upon previous science standards in both content and pedagogy. (Continue reading and comment...)
New NAGT Website
In case you haven't been to the NAGT website in the last couple of weeks, it has recently undergone a major overhaul and upgrade. We have streamlined the site navigation, grouped like materials together, and added some important new content, like:
- Teaching Resources that have been generate by the membership and sponsored projects of NAGT
- Education and Policy resources to help faculty advocate for Earth Science Education.
Check out the new site and let us know what you think.
Kudos for the NAGT Community
Members of the NAGT community have received several recent awards that speak well of the work we do together. (Continue reading...)
Reports from Recent Cutting Edge Workshops
by Karin Kirk and John McDaris, SERC
On the Cutting Edge recently ran two interesting and well received virtual workshops on Teaching Geoscience with Service Learning and Understanding the Deep Earth. These virtual workshops mark a step forward in making workshop materials available to both workshop participants as well as interested educators who were not able to attend. (Continue reading...)
Suggest Resources for the new CLEAN Pathway
by The CLEAN Project Team
The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) Pathway of the National Science Digital Library (NSDL) will be a broad collection of existing digital educational resources that will help students, teachers and citizens to improve their understanding of climate science and related energy and social solutions. Each resource in the collection will be linked to a specific essential principles and fundamental concepts of climate science. We are seeking nominations of resources appropriate for grades 6-16 to be considered for inclusion in the collection. (Continue reading...)