September 2010 NAGT e-Newsletter

Page 2 - Teaching Resources
This month our teaching resources page features information and materials for teaching with and about events in the news.
Congratulations to the New Officers
Following the officer elections in May, 2010, NAGT has some new officers. These new officers will officially take up their duties at the NAGT/GSA Geoscience Education Division Luncheon at the GSA Annual Meeting in Denver.
- Susan Buhr (CIRES) - 2nd Vice President
- Karen Kortz (Community College of Rhode Island) - Councilor (2010-2013)
- Jeff Ryan (University of South Florida) - Councilor (2010-2013)
[Read more about the new officers on the NAGT website.
Recent NAGT News
- Education Sessions at GSA
- Workshops on Geoinformatics
- New Department Resources Web Page
- 2010 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Awards
Upcoming Events
- GSA Early Registration Deadline - 27 September 2010
- First Annual National Fossil Day - October 13, 2010
- AGU Early Registration Deadline - 10 November 2010
Hot Links
- Take part in the discussion about NAGT's involvement in education and public policy matters. Join one of our Policy Discussion email lists or read and post comments to our Policy Discussion Board.
- GeoSkill 2010: The Challenges of Training and Developing E&P Professionals in the 21st Century
Pau, France, 29 September - 1 October 2010 - Far West Section Fall Meeting (Acrobat (PDF) 149kB Sep7 10)
October 8-10, 2010
Hosted by the CSU Fresno Earth and Environmental Sciences Department, Fresno, California
Early Registration Deadline - October 1
Community Advertisements
There are currently no community ads. Click here to advertise a position or opportunity on the NAGT website.
Contribute to the News
If you have a news item that you would like published via the NAGT website, NAGTNews, or the e-News (next issue-March 2010), submit it via the news upload form.
Changes Coming for NAGT Publications
Mike Taber (Colorado College), NAGT President
My Fellow NAGT Members,
Fall is here and with it the new academic year. This fall NAGT is engaged in some major changes to strengthen our service to you. For the past two years, the Journal of Geoscience Education (JGE) has transformed into a publication that focuses on geoscience education research and curriculum and instruction, as well as commentary articles. As a result, old aspects of JGE, including textbook reviews, teaching tips, and field trip and laboratory pedagogies are missed by some NAGT members. To address concerns about the changes to JGE, the NAGT executive committee has implemented some new, exciting changes to our society's publications. Continue reading...
In the Trenches - An NAGT publication in the works
David Steer (University of Akron), Future Editor - In the Trenches
The purpose of this column is to inform you of a new publication in the works at NAGT and invite you to contribute content to this endeavor. This ~16 page hard copy and digital publication is designed to provide a forum for geosciences education dialog targeting educators in the classroom. The NAGT Executive Committee decided to initiate this service in response to feedback from our members that indicated desire for such an outlet. It will provide a venue for you to inform NAGT members about your best teaching ideas, resources or other special topics relevant to our profession that do not lend themselves to more research-focused journals. The idea is to provide a more informal outlet of your ideas and experiences that can inform the larger community. Continue reading...
The National Research Council's "Conceptual Framework for New Science Education Standards": Earth Science Feedback and the Future
Eric J. Pyle, James Madison University
Since 1996, the National Science Education Standards has been one of the central driving forces in science education policy and curriculum development. It was not a curriculum in itself, but was intended to provide guidance to those that developed not only curricula, but also those that designed assessments to match those curricula as well as those that prepared or provided professional development for teachers of science. Along with Benchmarks for Science Literacy (AAAS, 1993), the Standards have influenced the lives of many students since their publication. Late in the past winter, the National Research Council commissioned the Board on Science Education to begin the process of re-conceptualizing the Standards, in preparation for the development of new standards. This project, called "Conceptual Framework for New Science Education Standards," sought to articulate core ideas in the major domains of science content. Draft frameworks were prepared by working groups or "Design Teams" within physical, life, and Earth sciences. Each of the Design Team members was selected not just on the basis of their knowledge of Earth science content, but also on the basis of their skills and experience in organizing that content for teachers and students alike in learning contexts. Continue reading...
Upcoming Workshops and Webinars for Geoscience Educators
- An Introduction to Earth's Climate (Webinar)
September 22, 2010 - Advancing Environmental Literacy about Transition and Tipping Points in Complex Environmental Systems (Webinar)
September 28, 2010 - GSA Workshop on Teaching about Energy in Geoscience Courses
Registration Deadline: September 27, 2010 - Using Online Volcano Monitoring Data in College and University Courses: The Volcano Exploration Project, Pu`u `O`o
Registration Deadline: September 27, 2010 - Teaching About Earth's Climate Using Data and Numerical Models (Virtual Workshop)
Application/Registration Deadline: October 1, 2010
GSA Announcements and Reminders
Volunteers Needed for the NAGT Booth at GSA: NAGT is always looking for members who are willing to volunteer an hour or two of their time to help out at the booth during GSA. If you are attending GSA and want to meet other members and talk about the great things going on in NAGT, please send an email to Linda Goozen in the Executive Director's Office.
Geoscience Educators' Social Reception: Saturday, 30 October, 5:00–7:00 PM, Colorado Convention Center Lobby B
Connect with your fellow educators at this informal gathering. Cash bar.NAGT/GSA Geoscience Education Division Luncheon: Sunday, 31 October, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM, Hyatt CCC, Capitol Ballroom 5-6-7
Come congratulate the 2010 NAGT and GED awards winners and meet the new organization officers.
This is a ticketed event. Don't forget to purchase your ticket when you register for GSA.GSA Geoscience Education and NAGT Research Special Interest Group: Tuesday, 2 November, 6:00-8:00 PM Hyantt CCC, Mineral Hall D-E
See the 2010 GSA Activities page for information on all NAGT sponsored sessions and events.
CSDMS Modeling Course Questionnaire
The CSDMS Integration Facility is interested in making their products and tools accessible to the college classroom. To help them understand the needs of both instructors and students in undergraduate and graduate courses, they are gathering information about how surface process modeling is currently being taught. Continue reading...
Page 2 - Teaching Resources: Teaching with the News >>
Stories on Page 2 include: Incorporating the Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Horizon oil spill into Geomicrobiology courses, Teaching Quantitative Reasoning with the News, Visualizations and Teaching Materials About Disasters and Hazards