July 2009 NAGT e-Newsletter

Recent NAGT News
- The leadership of NAGT thanks it members for adopting the new NAGT Constitution.
- The Executive Committee and Council approved a position statement on teaching climate change. We encourage members to refer to this document when incorporating concepts related to climate change in their courses.
- Please welcome your colleagues who were recently elected to leadership roles at NAGT:
- 2nd Vice President: Elizabeth Wright, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
- Secretary/Treasurer: Gene Pearson, University of the Pacific
- Councilors: Andy Buddington, Spokane Community College; Bruce Herbert, Texas A&M University
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Lecturer Position Michigan Technological University
The Department of Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences at Michigan Tech seeks applications for a 9-month academic year lecturer non-tenure-track position. Continue reading...
Contribute a Banner Photo for the next e-Newsletter
If you have a photo will inspire and delight your fellow geoscience educators we want to help you share it. Continue reading...
President's Corner
How will the current financial turmoil affect geoscience education? This is certainly a question on all of our minds as we watch the majority of states grapple with budget deficits, see massive losses in endowments and find our own net worth shrinking in frozen real estate markets. While such developments are troubling, they are occurring in a political environment that is favorable to science education and one where the Federal government is injecting massive amounts of capital into the system. What trends should we as geoscience educators monitor and how should we position ourselves during this period to strengthen our profession? In this President's Corner I summarize what I view as important factors related to budgets and enrollment. I encourage those of you with more expertise in these areas to voice your views using the editorial option of this newsletter. Continue reading...
Fall Speaker Series
As you start planning for the next academic year, there are a number of speaker series that can help round out your department's offerings.
- NAGT Distinguished Speaker Series - Leading geoscience educators sharing ideas, techniques, and tools from the frontiers of teaching practice and research.
- MARGINS Distinguished Lectureship Program - Distinguished scientists involved with MARGINS science and planning are available to visit American colleges and universities to present technical talks and public lectures on subjects related to the four MARGINS science initiatives.
- EarthScope Announces its 2009-10 Speaker Series - The 2009-10 EarthScope Speaker Series presents scientific results of EarthScope research to faculty and students at colleges and universities.
- Building Strong Geoscience Departments Visiting Workshop Program - In collaboration with NAGT, this project offers a menu of interactive sessions distilling the lessons learned from our previous workshops and fully supported with online resources.
2010 On the Cutting Edge Workshop Series Released
The NAGT-supported On the Cutting Edge program has released the schedule for its 2010 season of workshops. Continue reading...
Try Geoscience Teaching Materials from NSF's Margins Program
Primary researchers together with geoscience education specialists from across the country have developed a set of 30 mini-lessons based on findings and data gathered by NSF's Margins program.The Margins Education group is now eager to have NAGT and other faculty test and evaluate the mini lessons in their classrooms. Continue reading...