Initial Publication Date: September 5, 2017

Overview and Logistics

The Virginia Geologic Field Conference (VGFC) is an annual gathering of professional, academic, and amateur geoscientists that highlights recent geological research in the Commonwealth, and gets us where we want to be—out with the rocks! This year's trip, based out of Charlottesville, is entitled, "Geology in Jefferson's Country: a Blue Ridge traverse across Ablemarle County", and will be led by Chuck Bailey and Megan Flansburg of the College of William and Mary and Thomas Biggs of the University of Virginia. Piedmont Virginia Community College will be hosting the event. The dates for the trip are Friday, October 13 and Saturday, October 14. As in past years, there will be the Friday night business meeting with the all-day field trip following on Saturday.

This year, the Virginia Change Agents are organizing career mentoring sessions with geology students from 2-year and 4-year colleges and universities. These career mentoring sessions will occur on Friday afternoon from 3-6pm, prior to the VGFC Friday night business meeting. We are hoping to include resume reviews, mock interviews, and similar activities from 3-5p, and then a panel discussion between students and working geoscientists from 5-6p. The panel discussion will include several volunteers from various industries and agencies that employ geoscientists to briefly share their educational background and general job experiences with attending students, and then be open to answering student's questions.

Workshop Goals

  • To provide students an opportunity to learn more about geoscience career options, preparing resumes, and honing interview skills.
  • To provide faculty a chance to discuss how best to prepare their students for geoscience jobs with geoscience professionals.
  • To foster an interactive network of geoscientists across academia and the workforce.

Date and times

Friday, October 13

3:00 - 6:00pm - Career mentoring workshop

3:00 - 4:00pm - Resume skills workshop for students

4:00 - 6:00pm - Panel discussions with professional geologists, students, and faculty

Panelists include:

Lee Avary, West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey, retired

Ken Brown, West Virginia University

Mark Carter, United States Geological Survey

Jason Early, Cardno

Carroll Ellis, Jr., MathScience Innovation Center

Carroll Ellis, III, EEE Consulting

Matt Heller, Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals, and Energy

Marcie Occhi, Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals, and Energy

Zach Oremland, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality

6:30 - 7:00pm - VGFC registration and opening reception

7:00 - 8:30pm - VGFC business meeting

Saturday, October 14

7:45am - 6:00 pm - VGFC field trip


Students who attend the Friday workshop are highly encouraged to bring a few copies of their resume or c.v. they may have written for job, internship, or scholarship applications. Students should also consider what types of questions they might like to ask panelists about their job experiences or educational backgrounds. Faculty are also encouraged to think about questions for panelists regarding how they might better prepare their students for the geoscience workforce.


The Friday career mentoring workshop is FREE to all two-year and four-year college students, geoscience faculty, and geoscience professionals. The Saturday VGFC field trip costs $60 for academic and professional geologists, and $25 for all students.


Go here to register for the 2017 Virginia Geologic Field Conference by October 12, 2017.

Participants will also need to complete this registration during the event for the Change Agents project.

Location, Directions, and Logistics

The Friday workshop will be held in the Geology Lab, Room M850 on the Piedmont Virginia Community College campus. Other VGFC Friday night activities will be in the Main Hall on the PVCC campus. The Saturday VGFC field trip will leave from the PVCC campus. Full details are provided here: 2017 Virginia Geologic Field Conference