Initial Publication Date: November 9, 2016

MONT: Montana Nanotechnology Facility Webinar Series

Material Characterization using electron microscopy and spectroscopy: Examples using SEM, XPS and Auger

Presenters: Dr. Recep Avci Professor of Physics and Dr. David Mogk Professor of Geology,
Montana State University

May 17, 2016


Date and Time: May 17, 2016, 12:00 to 1 pm (Mountain Daylight Time)

Registration is free, but we do need participants to pre-register using the registration form.

There are two options to participate:

  • Attend in person: Burns Communication Center, EPS Room 126, Montana State Univ.
  • Attend by videolink: An access code will be sent prior to the webinar to give you access to Adobe Connect

Webinar Description:

This webinar will introduce methods used to characterize materials (engineered and natural) using combined electron beam imaging and spectral analysis. We will introduce the concept of using the right tool for the right job. Fundamental principles will be covered together with a variety of practical applications that will include examples of imaging of particles (size, shape, morphology), composition (using back-scattered electron imaging and energy dispersive spectrometry), and surface spectroscopies to determine composition and chemical state of atomic monolayers on surfaces (X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Auger electron spectroscopy). This interactive forum will encourage participants to explore possible future research collaborations. This webinar is being offered through the Montana Nanotechnology Facility (MONT), a project funded by the NSF National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure program.

Provide your feedback on the presentation: Were you able to attend the webinar presentation? If so, we'd love to get your feedback, which you can provide by completing the evaluation form. Thanks!