Paleontology Course Descriptions


Results 1 - 20 of 54 matches

Paleontology, Paleoecology and Paleoenvironments part of Courses
This is an interdisciplinary course in which students will use paleontology and sedimentology to interpret ancient environments and the ecosystems they supported. Students will begin with a review of aspects of ...

Principles of Paleontology part of Courses
This course is designed to introduce the basic principles of paleontology - the study of fossil organisms in the geological record. Topics to be covered include: Taphonomy and the processes of fossilization; ...

Paleontology and Stratigraphy part of Courses
Upper-level undergraduate paleontology course that also covers a significant amount of stratigraphy

Dinosaurs part of Courses
Dinosaur paleontology incorporates concepts from geology and biology and integrates aspects of chemistry, physics and mathematics to explain and understand these magnificent animals, the environments in which they ...

Paleontology and Stratigraphy part of Courses
This course introduces the major groups of modern and fossil invertebrates and the fundamental concepts of stratigraphy. Students will develop and employ a variety of field and laboratory skills while investigating ...

Paleobiology part of Courses
This course is a blend of Earth History and Paleontology. It is designed as a second course (after Intro) in Geology.

Understanding Science 101 part of Courses
Understanding Science is a freely accessible web-based resurce that provides a new approach for teaching the nature and process of science.

Introduction to Paleontology part of Courses
A review of major principles and techniques in paleontology including but not limited to evolutionary relationships and processes, systematics, community analysis, and comparative anatomy of living organisms and ...

Earth and Life Through Time part of Rates and Time:Courses
Students' abilities to use both geological and biological reasoning are developed, to learn about how the rock and fossil records together characterize the history of interaction between biological and ...

Wonderful Life part of Starting Point-Teaching Entry Level Geoscience:Earth History Approach:Examples
This course uses the Ediacaran fauna as a focus to teach about evolution, the nature of science, and how to write well. The students start off reading "Wonderful Life" (Gould, 1989 ), which deals with ...

The Evolution/Creation Debate part of Online Teaching:Online Courses
In this course students are exposed to the modern scientific theories of the earth and life and to the diverse brands of Christian creationism and how they measure up to scientific analysis. Students explore these ...

Biodiversity Through Time part of Courses
Biodiversity Through Time is introduction to the study of fossil invertebrates with emphasis on preservation, taphonomy, diversity trajectories through geologic time, evolutionary mechanisms, extinction, ...

GS 150: Dinosaur Extinction and Other Controversies part of Courses
This course has the general goal of providing an introduction to scientific reasoning – how our hypotheses about the natural world are formed, accepted, modified, and rejected – using examples from the history ...

Paleontological Field and Museum Methods part of Courses
Two-week trip to visit Triassic field localities in the American Southwest.

Regional Geology Field Trip part of Courses
Field investigation of selected regions of North America for study of mineralogic, lithologic, stratigraphic, structural, paleontologic, geomorphological, or other geological relationships. Six to fifteen days in ...

Vertebrate Paleontology part of Courses
Survey of Vertebrate Paleontology for geology undergrads and graduate students

Introduction to Paleontology part of Courses
The course presents an overview of the evolution of our biosphere based on the data of the fossil and molecular records. There is an emphasis on the geological and biological factors that appear to have regulated ...

Introduction to Paleontology part of Courses
This is an upper-level undergraduate course that introduces students to modern concepts and methods in Paleobiology using examples from various groups of organisms important in the fossil record. Field trips and ...

Paleontology part of Courses
Paleontology is the study of the history of life and ancient environments. Historically, the practice of paleontology has focused on the description and classification of fossil species. This approach has undergone ...

Invertebrate Paleontology 353 part of Courses
A 3-hour lecture and 3-hour laboratory introduction to invertebrate paleontology. It is taught every other year. I use Prothero's Bringing Fossils to Life text and have no lab manual.