Initial Publication Date: May 10, 2006


GATHER (more info) , Geographic Analysis Tool for Health and Environmental Research, is an online spatial data access system that provides members of the public health community and general public access to spatial data that is pertinent to the analysis and exploration of public health issues.
Image courtesy of CDC (more info)

Get Started!

First you much choose how you would like to proceed:
  • Use Map a location to map a zip code of interest.
  • Use Search for a site to locate a hazardous waste site (you will be taken to a list of sites and must choose a site by clicking on the appropriate hotlink).
  • To view your map, click the GO Go Button button.

Understanding your Map

  • The top line of buttons allow you to interact with your map (i.e. zoom in, zoom out, pan, identify, etc.). To learn the function of each button, place your mouse arrow on the button and read text.
  • You can add layers (i.e. roads, water bodies, census information, etc.) to your map by selecting items from the Layers list on the left hand side of the map screen. (Note: some of the layers are locked.)
  • Click the Refresh Map button to show current layers selected.