Initial Publication Date: June 10, 2008

Key Elements of the QuIRK Initiative

"How do we teach quantitative literacy? It takes a conspiracy."
-Deborah J. Hughes Hallett, at the Quantitative Literacy and Its Implications for Teacher Education conference hosted by Wingspread and PMET

Research consistently shows that repeated practice in varied context is key to retention. QuIRK's goal is to ensure that students encounter quantitative reasoning (QR)in all divisions of the college. Achieving that end requires a cooperative effort--conspiracy, to use Hughes Hallett's words. QuIRK's programming seeks to raise awareness of the need for QR and then equip faculty to meet that need throughout the curriculum.

This page links to resources found elsewhere on the QuIRK website for faculty or administrators seeking to develop a QR program.

QuIRK Goals for Student Learning

(from our web site's Assessment module)
QuIRK's aim is to enhance student QR proficiency by fostering in growth toward four student learning goals described here.

Assessing Quantitative Reasoning in Student Writing

(from our web site's Assessment module)
Evaluation of our effectiveness in teaching the use of QR rests on regular assessment of student performance. What is more, assessment findings motivate faculty interest in pedagogical reforms advocated in our professional development curriculum.

QuIRK's Professional Development Curriculum

The QuIRK program responds to assessment findings with a comprehensive professional development curriculum designed to raise awareness of student proficiency, provide examples of compelling QR across the disciplines, and share effective QR teaching strategies.

Examples of Curriculum Revisions Completed within the Initiative

(from our web site's For Carleton Faculty module)
QuIRK supports curriculum reform through small course revision/creation grants and by providing student statistics fellows to work with faculty embarking in new quantitative directions in teaching or research. More assignments will be added in the Spring and Fall of 2008!