Initial Publication Date: July 6, 2008

The DataTools 2008 Summer Workshop

This year's workshop will be held in the Visual and Performing Arts building on the University of Massassachusetts Dartmouth campus. Here are some useful links:
UMass Dartmouth Directions
Interactive Map that shows the location of campus buildings

The parking lots closest to the building, lots #7, #7A, #8, are open to visitors so everyone can park there. A short walkway leads from the corner of Parking Lot 8 to the closest corner of the Visual and Performing Arts building. (See the interactive map.) Walk up the exterior staircase at that corner of the building to reach our rooms (101, 103, 105).

During Week 1, you'll have additional practice with the three analysis tools you used during the teleconferences, and you'll hear from scientists who are working with tools and data similar to what we use in our program. You'll also have time to prepare to teach the students who join us during the mornings of Week 2. DataTools staff and your colleagues will help you with this preparation.

During Week 2, students will be with us between 8:30 AM and 12:30 PM. Working in teams of 3, you will help lead 2 or 3 classroom sessions. Each class will have approximately 15 students. You'll lead students through portions of EET chapters or related activities using an analysis tool of your choice, a tool you envision using in your own classroom. The idea is to provide you with a chance to practice, and we know the students learn and have a good time. Aside from those 2 or 3 sessions, you'll have most of Week 2 to prepare for implementation in your own classrooms next fall.

Classroom Implementation. Although you will learn about new possibilities for classroom implementation during the summer workshop, please arrive with some specific ideas about how DataTools can support or expand your current curriculum. Think about small ways in which you can enhance your curriculum with data analysis while also providing meaningful experiences with technology for your students. Implementation works best if it fits into and supports your existing curriculum vs. being an add-on that's difficult to manage.

Software Reminder. If you bring your own laptop, please have ImageJ, AEJEE GIS, and Excel installed on it before the workshop. Most of you received a CD with the software (ImageJ and AEJEE) at the orientation session, and you may have downloaded the software using links in the EET chapters during the spring teleconferences. Excel is something we cannot provide, but it's not expensive to purchase the Home/School version.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

---The DataTools Team

Summer Workshop Resources

Weekly Workshop Schedules

Week One Schedule (Acrobat (PDF) 30kB Jul6 08)

Week Two Schedule (Acrobat (PDF) 25kB Jul6 08)

Daily Workshop Schedules

Day 1,
Day 2,
Day 3,
Day 4,
Day 5,
Day 6,
Day 7,