Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Next Steps

Thursday 1:30pm-4:00pm Tate 301-20
Afternoon Mini Workshop


Nicholas Soltis, University of Indianapolis

This session is designed for practitioners at various stages of experience with Scholarship of Teaching of Learning (SoTL), from those who are looking to incorporate SoTL in their classrooms to those who have data that are trying to figure out next steps. This workshop will look at best practices in SoTL and overview how to see a project idea through to a paper or presentation. In addition to defining and looking at various approaches to SoTL, we will also overview the Geoscience Education Research Strength of Evidence Pyramid (St. John & McNeal, 2017) and explore examples of SoTL papers from the Geoscience Education Community.


By the end of this workshop, participants will:

  • Explore challenges and opportunities in scholarship of teaching and learning research
  • Identify where you are in your SOTL journey and determine the next steps
  • Identify places and strategies to disseminate SOTL research
  • Apply the strength of evidence pyramid to their research plans


1:30 Welcome and introductions

1:45 Participants share where they are with their scholarship of teaching and learning work and develop goals for the workshop

2:00 Small-group discussions and a gallery walk of challenges and opportunities associated with SOTL

2:30 Discussion of the Strength of Evidence Pyramid and its applications

2:45 Break

3:00 Discussion of disseminating results of SOTL work and challenges and opportunities

3:30 Time to work and consult individually or in small groups on next steps and to interact with online resources

4:00 Adjourn

End of Workshop Survey


GER toolkit:

Strength of Evidence Pyramid:

Guidelines for Preparing Curriculum and Instruction Papers: []

Examples of Curriculum and Instruction Papers:

SoTL Workshop.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 1.2MB Jul14 22)

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