Does it Take Two to Tango? Interdisciplinary Teaching Solo and in Teams

Wednesday 1:30pm-4:00pm Gordon: Ed Gordon Suite
Afternoon Mini Workshop


Catherine Riihimaki, 2NDNATURE Software
Lisa Gilbert, Cabrillo College

Real-world problems related to Earth science are typically interdisciplinary, yet interdisciplinary teaching creates the unique challenge of accurately and fully capturing the complexities of multiple disciplines, without creating an unreasonably large teaching team. We bring 30 years of interdisciplinary teaching experience to this workshop to discuss the opportunities and challenges of interdisciplinary teaching, including some successful case studies and their take-home lessons. Participants will leave with additional resources to help foster their own interdisciplinary teaching. Educators of all levels of experience and all disciplinary backgrounds are welcome, whether you are developing a course for the first time, revising a course you have taught before, hoping to mentor others, or wanting to hear what others are doing in their teaching!


1. Explore challenges and opportunities of different models of interdisciplinary teaching

2. Create an action plan for improving/initiating participant's interdisciplinary teaching

3. Access and use resources for interdisciplinary teaching

4. Become part of a network of educators interested in interdisciplinary teaching


workshop_slides.pptx (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 79kB Jul20 16)

1:30 Welcome and introductions

1:45 Participants develop and discuss goals of interdisciplinary teaching

2:15 Small-group discussions and gallery walk of challenges and opportunities of interdisciplinary teaching

2:45 Break

2:55 Whole-group discussion of common challenges and strategies for addressing them, including specific examples of interdisciplinary teaching from facilitators' work

3:15 Participants work on action plans, with resources provided by workshop

3:50 Wrap-up and Workshop evaluation

4:00 Adjourn


InTeGrate Teaching Materials:

Carleton College Literature and Resources:

SERC Resources: