View Original Image at Full SizeFigure 1: Example page from the interactive digital map created from the data collected during the Climate Odyssey expedition (climateodyssey.org/interactive-map). Each triangular image within the map is linked to blog entries, interviews, or other external scientific resources designed for public consumption. [Image provided by Lucy Holtsnider].
Originally uploaded in NAGT:Our Resources:In the Trenches:2018 - Volume 8:In the Trenches - July 2018.
Image 188010 is a 768 by 1353 pixel WebP
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Last Modified: 2018-06-28 10:06:27
Permanent URL: https://serc.carleton.edu/download/images/188010/screen_shot_2018-06-28_10.03.13.webp
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Example page from the interactive digital map created from the data collected during the Climate Odyssey expedition (climateodyssey.org/interactive-map). Each triangular image within the map is linked to blog entries, interviews, or other external scientific resources designed for public consumption. [Image provided by Lucy Holtsnider].
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