Initial Publication Date: April 13, 2015

How is our Undergraduate Program Structured?

Go back to the beginning of this presentation, by Carolyn Eyles and Susan Vajoczki of McMaster University, about integrating interdisciplinary programs into an existing department.

B.Sc. Hons. Earth & Environmental Sciences (EES)

  • Common Level I (Science I)
  • Students enter EES program at Level II
  • 'Core' program + specializations: Geosciences, Hydrosciences, Geochemistry
  • Choose specializations at Level III (or stay in 'core')
  • Specializations fulfill academic requirements for certification as a professional geoscientist in Ontario
  • Integrates experiential learning and skills development

'Core' courses (breadth)

  • essential for all graduates
  • substantive content & skills development
  • Earth History, Soils, Hydrology, GIS Environmental Geochemistry, Research Methods Field Camp, Environmental Assessment, Senior Thesis

Specialist courses (depth)

  • essential for specializations (professional certification)?
  • Coastal Sedimentology, Hydrogeology, Stable Isotopes Glacial, Surface processes, Structural, Geophysics

Experiential learning & skills development integrated into all courses

Non-geoscience courses included in program:

  • as 'core' courses:Environmental Assessment, GIS, Remote Sensing Research Methods, Senior Thesis
  • as electives: Environmental Policy & Planning, Environmental Thought

Taught to B.A. and B.Sc. students together

  • recognizes science/social science linkages necessary for environmental work
  • helps develop sense of 'community' in SGG