Initial Publication Date: February 4, 2005

Editing Records and Changing their Status

When you are working on a record it's unsubmitted. After QA and your final edits, you save and submit to make the record submitted. But in order to get a master ID# assigned, the record has to be marked as done. And sometimes, if a link is temporarily broken on a site, we'll take it out of circulation by changing the status to holding.

To edit a record or change its status, go to your DCS. Do not launch the resource cataloger.
  1. Click on the manage tab at the top of the page.
  2. Click on the browse records button (also at the top of the page).
  3. Type in your catalog record number, then hit view record.
  4. On the right side of the page, click edit.
  5. To access the record for editing, enter the username guest and the password catalogfun. This will open the record for editing.
  6. The record will open for editing, and it will look and act like a DCS record.
  7. After you've completed your edits, hit save. You will see a pull down menu of choices to set the status of the record. Select the one you want and hit save record and exit.

You will also see a place to set the status of the record at the bottom of the record page. Screen shot of how to change the status of DCS records
To change the status of a record here, you will need to follow the directions above for accessing the record through the EDIT command (beginning at step 4, above). However, once you have accessed the first record with the username and password, you can do additional records by using the option at the bottom of the page.

Need to change the status of a bunch of records at once?

    From the manage tab, select edit collection.
  1. Check the box to find only submitted records. Leave all the other fields blank. Hit find records (upper right).
  2. Check the records you want to change. (There will be others there, aside from yours.)
  3. Select the status you want to change them to.
  4. Click update.

Navigating through Records with the Manage/Browse tab

Browse through records one at a time, by clicking the forward and back arrows. If you are doing QA, this is the easiest way to access the records.

How do I change the URL of a record?

    Go to the manage tab, then browse records.
  1. Enter your record number, then view record.
  2. Edit the record (button in upper right)
  3. Enter editing username: guest and password: catalogfun
  4. The record will open. Go to URL under required fields.
  5. Enter the new URL.
  6. There will be a warning in red. It's OK. Nothing bad will happen!
  7. Hit save record and exit when you're done.

How do I make changes to a submitted record?

Follow the same steps as above.