Initial Publication Date: April 28, 2011

Example Project 2: Your Project Content Is In A PowerPoint Presentation

How Has the Aral Sea Changed Over Time?

By Sally Student, Sam Student
Circle High School, Ms. Teacher, grades 6-8
Team Project (2-10 students)

Project Overview

Image that Represents the Project

Aral Sea August 2000, 2010 Satellite images of the Aral Sea showing the change in size of the sea for a period of eleven years, from August 2000 through August 2010.


We analyzed NASA satellite images of the Aral Sea, making distance and area measurements to characterize changes in the size of the lake over time. We used eleven Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) images, each taken in August for the years 2000 through 2010. The images also display a line that represents the 1960 shoreline of the Aral Sea. Based on the spatial resolution of the image, we set a scale so that pixels in the image represent actual kilometers on Earth. We graphed the change in distance and area measurements over time to investigate the rate of change and to predict when the Aral Sea might disappear completely. Our research has implications for other similar environmental situations.

Key Words

irrigation, pollution, environmental impact

Research Question

How has the Aral Sea changed over time?

Geospatial Technology Tool(s)


PowerPoint Documents

Original PowerPoint Presentation

Aral Sea PowerPoint presentation (PowerPoint 7.8MB Apr27 11)

PowerPoint Presentation saved in PDF format

Aral Sea presentation as a PDF (Acrobat (PDF) 8.6MB Apr27 11)

PowerPoint Presentation saved as a QuickTime Movie

Aral Sea presentation in QuickTime format (Quicktime Video 4.4MB Apr27 11)

Supporting Attachments

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Excel Spreadsheets

Aral Sea Data and Graphs (Excel 237kB Apr27 11)

PowerPoint Presentations

Geospatial Data: Images, Shapefiles, KML files, etc.

Flash Animations

YouTube Videos

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