Initial Publication Date: January 9, 2017

2016 CLN Teleconferences

December 27, 2016: Informal discussion

December 20, 2016: Outcomes of the 2015 CLEAN Network Survey - Tamara Ledley, TERC, and Anne Gold, CIRES University of Colorado Boulder

December 13, 2016: Informal discussion

December 6, 2016: Trees and Tribulations: Setting up and running a tree phenology trail at the Cayuga Nature Center with Ingrid Zabel, Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, NY

November 29, 2016: CLEAN Network - 2017 and Beyond - Tamara Ledley

November 22, 2016: Informal discussion

November 15, 2016: New Community Group for Education, Communication, and Outreach at COP: ECONGO with Mark McCaffrey

November 1, 2016: Discussion about preparations for Social Media Campaign during COP22

October 25, 2016: Seattle Youth CAN! Engaging Youth in Climate Action Through Local Collaboration with Eli Weiss, Community Engagement Supervisor at Woodland Park Zoo and Project Leader for Seattle Youth Climate Action Network

October 18, 2016: Teaching Elementary School Students about Climate Science: New Opportunities with the NGSS with Kim A. Cheek, Associate Professor of Science Education at the University of North Florida

October 11, 2016: Informal discussion

October 4, 2016: Empowering young people to address climate change and social justice in their communities through a dedicated curriculum, with Dara Westling of EdgeMakers Institute.

September 27, 2016: Informal discussion

September 20, 2016: Climate Action: Proven Open Source Behavior Change Program with Carleen Cullen, Executive Director, Cool the Earth

September 13, 2016: Bolstering Climate Literacy Internationally with the World Climate Simulation with Ellie Johnston and Grace Mwaura, Climate Interactive

September 6, 2016: Informal discussion

August 30, 2016: Informal discussion

August 23, 2016: Informal discussion

August 16, 2016: Informal discussion

August 9, 2016: Informal discussion

August 2, 2016: Informal discussion

July 26, 2016: Informal discussion

July 19, 2016: Informal discussion

July 12, 2016: Using Arctic Science as a Vehicle for STEM Education and Citizen Empowerment - Submissions to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, with Laura Petes

Note: if you submit your efforts to this Call to Action please list the basic information on this Google Doc.

July 5, 2016: Informal discussion

June 28, 2016: Discussion about the Joint Statement on Climate Change Education

June 21, 2016: Informal discussion

June 14, 2016: Informal discussion

June 7, 2016: Informal discussion

May 31, 2016: Moving forward on a Climate Change Education Position statement that can be offered for professional societies and organizations to sign onto.

May 24, 2016: Informal discussion

May 17, 2016: Bora Simmons (NAAEE), Michele Archie (The Harbinger Consulting Group), and Frank Niepold (NOAA)
Title: Engaging People in Civic Deliberations about Climate Change: NAAEE's New Environmental Issues Forums

May 10, 2016: Kristen Poppleton and Jothsna Harris (Climate Generation: A Will Steger Legacy
Title: Climate Minnesota; Lessons Learned from a Statewide Public Engagement Project ( )

May 3, 2016: Diane Burko, photographer and painter (
Title: An Artist Communicating About Climate Change

April 26, 2016: Informal discussion

April 19, 2016: Earth Week: Climate Education Live-Stream Event

April 12, 2016: Informal discussion - no recording available

April 5, 2016: Tamara Ledley 
Topic: AGU Climate Literacy Sessions - discussion of what sessions to propose and engaging convenors to organize the sessions.

March 29, 2016: Emily Schoerning (Director of Community Organizing and Research, National Center for Science Education)
Title: The Science Booster Club Project: Building Grassroots Support for Science Education

March 22, 2016: Gail Francis (RE-AMP Network Knowledge Manager) and Jennie Curtis (Garfield Foundation Executive Director)
Topic: RE-AMP and Collective Impact

March 15, 2016: Informal discussion

March 8, 2016: Paul Fleischman, Newbery Medal-winning author of Eyes Wide Open: Going Behind the Environmental Headlines
Title: Explaining the Environment to Young Adults

March 1, 2016: Josh Rosenau (Programs and Policy Director, National Center for Science Education)
Title: "A National Survey of Climate Change Teachers"

February 23, 2016: Rebecca Anderson (Alliance for Climate Education), Frank Niepold (NOAA), and Marian Grogan (TERC)
Title: Improving Solutions-focused Resources in CLEAN Collection

February 16, 2016: Emily Therese Cloyd (Engagement and Outreach Lead, US Global Change Research Program National Coordination Office)
Title: The Sustained National Climate Assessment Process: Recent Releases, Upcoming Events, and Creating Capacity for the Future

February 9, 2016: David Herring (Director of Communications & Education, NOAA Climate Program Office) 
Title: Evolving the U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit for a Climate-Smart Public

February 2, 2016: Informal Discussion

January 26, 2016: Informal discussion

January 19, 2016: Informal discussion

January 12, 2016: Jen Kretser and Gina Fiorile, The Wild Center, and Shannon Bartholomew (Saranac Lake High School)
Title: Youth Engagement in Climate Change – What's Next?

January 5, 2016: Informal discussion