Learning-for-Use: A Framework for the Design of Technology-Supported Inquiry Activities
Daniel Edelson 2001 Journal of Research in Science Teaching 38(3), 355-385

This article discusses a way to integrate the teaching of content with the teaching of process, which have in the past been seen as competing priorities. The author explores technology-supported inquiry learning based on a design framework called the Learning-for-Use model. This model is a description of the learning process that can be used to support the design of content-intensive, inquiry-based science learning activities. As an example, the author describes the Create-a-World Project, a set of open-ended Earth science investigations using WorldWatcher. General guidelines are presented for the design of inquiry activities that support content learning taking advantage of modern technologies.

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Subject: Education
Resource Type: Pedagogic Resources:Research Results, Journal Article
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14)
Research on Learning: Instructional Design:Inquiry-Based Learning, Use of Technology, Cognitive Domain