View Original Image at Full SizeThe Michel-Lévy Interference Color Chart for optical mineralogy (above) and as seen with
red/green colorblindness (deuteranope, below). Roughly 1 in 13 males have some kind of color deficit, so most mineralogy/petrology instructors will encounter students who have trouble with aspects of birefringence and pleochroism every year or so.
Image 9531 is a 804 by 611 pixel JPEG
Jun6 07
Last Modified: 2007-06-06 10:02:26
Permanent URL: https://serc.carleton.edu/download/images/9531/jge-march07.jpg
The Michel-Lévy chart is from Optical Crystallography by F. Donald Bloss (1999, Mineralogical Society of America Monograph 5, 239 pages), and is used with permission. The deuteranope simulation was created using
Vischeck.com, which contains a number of good resources on colorblindness.
Composite image by William H. Peck.
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