Self-regulated learning in web-based environments: Instructional tools designed to facilitate cognitive strategy use, metacognitive processing, and motivational beliefs
D. F. Kauffman 2004 Journal of Educational Computing Research v.30 (1-2), 139-161.

Abstract: This study investigated strategies teachers can use to improve students' use of self-regulated learning strategies in a Web-based setting. SRL is defined as a learner's intentional efforts to manage and direct complex learning activities and is composed of three primary components including cognitive strategy use, metacognitive processing, and motivational beliefs. These three components are defined relative to note-taking methods (cognitive component), self-monitoring prompts (metacognitive component), and self-efficacy building feedback (motivation component). One hundred nineteen students were assigned randomly to one cell in a 2 x 2 design. Students took notes in a matrix or a free form method from a Web site about educational measurement and either received or did not receive self-monitoring prompts and self-efficacy building feedback. Results indicated note-taking method had the strongest influence on both the amount of information gathered and achievement. Additionally, both academic self-efficacy building feedback and self-monitoring prompts demonstrated modest effects on achievement. Results are discussed relative to SRL theory, classroom application, and Web-based instructional design.

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Subject: Education
Resource Type: Scientific Resources:Research Results, Journal Article
Research on Learning: Instructional Design, Affective Domain:Self-Efficacy, Cognitive Domain:How information is organized, Metacognition, Affective Domain:Student Motivation